Chapter 18

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I️ got up and went to the bathroom Kj said "mommy!!! Daddy's calling you again."

I said "ok talk to him papi, mommy has to use the bathroom." After the bathroom I️ washed my hands and went to sit back down.

Kj gave me my phone and said "here daddy wants to talk to you too."

I️ said "yes?"

Kiyare said "hey."

I️ said "yes?"

He said "how you feel babe?"

I️ said "like somebody just stomped on my heart. And hungry."

He said "I'm sorry."

I️ said "you don't have to apologize, you clearly weren't happy."

He said "Chantel I️ was happy. I️ love you. I️ don't know why I️ did it."

I️ said "it's ok you do. Even I️ know. You weren't happy and she made you happy, I️ wasn't good enough and she was everything you needed. I️ just hope she stays that way. For your sake."

He said "can I️ ever make this up to you?"

I said "I️ don't know."

He said "can I️ come over?"

I️ said "no I️ don't think that's a great idea."

He said "please Chantel I️ think we should talk for the kids."

I️ said "fine."

He said "alright I'm coming now."

I️ got in the shower and had on a black T-shirt bra, a black thong, Penn State sweater, black leggings, and white socks. I️ said "Kj!"

He said "yes mommy?"

I️ said "your dad's coming over, you wanna stay when he leaves or go?"

He said "mommy I️ wanna stay."

I️ said "ok imma make some food for lunch, what do you want?"

He said "spaghetti!"

I️ said "alright come on."

He followed me down the steps and as soon as we got down there was a knock at the door. I️ went and opened I️t, Kiyare was standing there with a big ass box and 3 dozens of roses and their was a gift bag on the ground. He said "hey."

I️ just looked at him and held the door for him to come in. He gave me a hug and held onto me a little longer than usual and tried to kiss me but I️ moved so he kissed my cheek. I️ said "what's all this?"

He said "for you and I️ brought Kj some more stuff."

I️ nodded then went into the kitchen and started making Kj's spaghetti. I️ said "papi, you're food is ready." He ran to the kitchen and I️ put his plate on the table.

Kiyare came in the kitchen following him and the fact that I️ miss him is so sad and I️'ve been so fucking horny lately it's just horrible. After Kj ate he went and took a nap in his room and I️ went to my room. Kiyare said "is it cool that I️ come with you?" I️ nodded. I️ shut the door once we were both in there. He had put a new pregnancy pillow in there for me I️ just pouted because I️ was happy.

I️ said "thank you."

He wrapped his arms around me and said "baby it's anything for you I️ promise." Just the smell of his cologne I️ really missed him. I️ leaned into him than pulled away and as soon as I️ pulled away he kissed me.

He started kissing me and started going down my neck and grabbing my butt. I️ didn't care at all cause I️ was horny as shit. We eventually ended up having sex but right after I️ said "get out."

He said "no."

I️ said "please Kiyare just get out."

He said "babe please."

I️ said "no just please get out." I️ didn't know what was wrong or why I️ was upset but I️ just started crying. He wrapped his arms around me hands more on the stomach.

He said "I'm so sorry."

I️ said "I️ just don't know what's wrong with me."

He said "nothing is wrong with you babe, you are perfect."

I️ said "then why did you cheat on me?"

He said "I️ love you babe. I️ can't keep doing this. Just let me make it up to you. Babe we're married. I'm in love with you ok? I️ AM IN LOVE WITH YOU AND I️ CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT YOU."

I️ said "I️ can't just take you back, you broke me."

He said "I'm in love with you."

I️ stood and said "but we will never be the same."

He said "I️ understand babe. I️ understand because the trust is no longer there but I️ want to gain it back." I️ just looked at him and walked out.

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