Chapter 3

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Picture of Chantel.

I have seen Kiyare every single day this week. I was at his Mom's three times and he came there, then he came over the other three days. Today I have to get ready early because my parents, my brothers, their wives, my nieces and my nephews are coming to his house too. That's 10 more people, and we already usually have like 20 people their so now we have to get everything ready for more people. I got up at 10 and made Kyair's cake. Then I got in the shower and put lotion on. When I finished I put on a black Calvin Klein shirt with a silver zipper on the front that goes a little bit lower than your boobs but I had it pulled up somewhat to cover them, lightwash hollister jeans, and short black uggs. Then I just straightened my hair and slicked my edges down. I did my make up then put Kyair's cake into a blue box with a bow on it then put it in the passenger side. I grabbed my black Michael Kors bag then I arrived at his Mom's around 2. I said "BIGHEAD!"

Kyair came running down the steps, he took his cake and went back into his old room. Mom said "you always look so pretty. But go sit down I'll tell you when I need help cause I don't want you doing to much work. You'll hurt the baby."

I said "mom I'm fine, I can help." Then Kiyare walked into the kitchen.

He gave me a hug then kissed my cheek lightly he said "hey pretty."

I said "hey Kiyare."

He went a gave his mom a kiss then went into the living room and was playing 2k16. She said "you guys are so cute together."

I said "were not together mom. He don't want me, he's just looking out for his baby."

She said "girl have you seen the way he looks at you? You and that baby are gonna be that boy's world."

I said "yea yea." I had a smiled on my face because she was speaking honestly.

She said "go out there with him, I'll call you when I need you pretty girl."

I said "fine."

I walked out he said "you tryn play?"

I said "yea, watch imma cross ya high yellow ass up."

He said "yea yea." I sat down and he passed me the pink controller. We were playing and I was really whooping his ass. When the game finished I won 78-46.

I said "told you." I was laughing at him. He was looking at me just laughing. I said "what's funny?"

He said "your laugh, it's like a giggle. Everything you do is just beautiful man."

Mom said "Chantel come on."

I said a light "thanks," then went into the kitchen to help his Mom. When we finished I heard a knock, and the only person that would knock is my mom. Scared ass. Kiyare was about to get it but I told him I got it, it's my family. My niece Chloe ran through their legs and put her arms up wanting me to pick her up. I said "hey princess." Kiyare stood next to me, I said "this is Chloe." My mom walked in I said "this is my mom Carolina (Care-O-Lean-A) . My dad Christian. My older brother Chance. His wife Harmony. My other older brother Chandler. His wife Amaya. My niece Candice. My nephew Cole. And lastly my nephew Asher." He nodded and they all gave him a light hug. I said "Chloe, Candice you wanna come help us in the kitchen?" They nodded. When I left Kiyare was going to get Kyair's oldest son King I'm guessing to play with Cole cause their both like 1. King is the cutest baby, Kyair always got that little boy in name brand something. He's always happy, and never really throws fits. Chloe and Candace were sitting on the island.

His mom said "well make the cookie dough then they can roll it into balls and put it on the tray." I nodded and we made homemade chocolate chip cookie dough. Then we made them wash their hands and roll it to put it on the tray. Me and his mom were talking she said "so do you want a boy or girl?"

I said "I'll be happy either way."

She said "that's a good mindset." When they finished with the cookies, they washed their hands and went out to Cole.

Then Kiyare walked in he gave me a hug and whispered in my ear "we needa talk before you leave pretty." I nodded yes and he released the hug. Right after he went back out into the living room.

His mom said "what was that about?"

I said "he said we need to talk before I leave."

She said "y'all always gotta talk."

I said "I know."

Cole walked into the kitchen and almost fell man my whole life flashed before my eyes. I picked him up and he started giggling. He is really a spitting image of Chance, but is brownskin like his mom. Kiyare's mom took him and he was so happy! He was just giggling for no reason, he's a really happy baby. She handed him back to me and I gave him to Chance. All the food was done, except the cookies that were still baking so I sat on the stool and his mom was on the opposite side. She said "how did you even get involved with my son?" It was a funny question, I know it sounds kind of rude but she was being nice just trynna figure everything out.

I said "my friend Carmen's 23rd birthday."

Just finished getting our nails done, today my bestfriend is turning 23. First her and I got our hair, nails, and now she's getting her makeup done. Then we're going to dinner and it's gonna be like 10 of us. After that we rented out a club for her party but she doesn't know that yet.

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