Chapter 10

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We got released from the hospital the next day and went back to the house. I was so tired and as soon as I closed my eyes to sleep Kj woke up and started crying. I went into his crib and picked him up, as soon as his skin hit mine he stopped crying. I made Kiyare get a bottle ready in case he got fussy, and said "I gotta get in the shower. Be careful with him."

I handed Kj to Kiyare and went in the shower. I was in for like 45 minutes then I got out and blow dried then straightened my hair. Then I put on a black wife beater, black nike pro shorts, and some black ankle socks. Kiyare told me Kj was sleep so I fell right asleep. When I woke up Kiyare said "mom and dad coming over in like an hour."

I said "is he still sleep?"

He said "yea."

I said "I gotta get dressed."

He said "not if you don't feel like it."

I said "I gotta get dressed."

He said "ok."

I went into my closet and walked back out I said "I don't feel like getting dressed." He started laughing, then Kj woke up crying. I picked him up and made him a bottle. I went downstairs and sat on the couch feeding him, when I was burping him he threw up, most of it went on his feeding blanket but some got on his onesie so I brought him upstairs and changed him into a new diaper and outfit. He was giggling and smiling, he's a really happy baby. When I brought him back downstairs Kiyare wanted to hold him so I put him in his arms. Then I went to the kitchen, and you could see them from there I took a picture of them on snapchat and the caption was 'my heart in one picture.' I got some candy then sat next to Kiyare.

He said "he's so tired."

I said "I know."

He said "gimme a kiss." I pecked his lips lightly then he fucking bit my lower lip.

I said "God I hate you sometimes."

He said "I love you too."

I said "can I have my child back?"

He said "he's my child too! But yeah." He passed me the baby, and then took my candy.

I said "oh yeah, you owe me some shit big time."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. I laid on the big black love sac thing in our living room, I laid him on my chest and was watching Netflix. Kiyare came down and said "should I stay home this week or go to work?"

I said "do whatever you wanna do love."

He said "are you gonna need help?"

I said "no we'll be good."

He said "fine than!"

I said "love you daddy."

He said "love you too."

I said "so you staying home or going?"

He said "I'll go but I don't wanna leave you too."

I said "we'll be fine you bitch."

He said "watch ya mouth!"

I said "awh I'm sorry baby." Then I kissed Kj's forehead.

He said "why are you so pretty?"

I said "stop boosting my head Kiyare."

He said "I'm being serious ma."

I said "ugh, I'm going to put Kj in his crib." I went upstairs and put him in his crib then grabbed his baby monitor and went back downstairs.

He said "oh hey beautiful."

I said "hey." He pulled me towards him and was kissing me.

He said "guess what!"

I said "oh god what?"

He said "Valentine's Day is the same day ya 6 weeks is up."

I said "ok funny guy, you not getting nothing."

He said "yea I hear you." I rolled my eyes and he kissed me again.

I said "watch."

He said "your hilarious ma."

I said "where is your mother?"

He said "suppose to be on her way smart ass." I wrapped my arms around his neck and then brought my legs up around his waist. He gave me a kiss, and I bit his cheek. Then got off him real quick before he could catch me and went to open the door.

His mom and dad came in and we were all talking then Kj woke up so I went upstairs and picked him up I said "hey baby! What's wrong?" He put his head right on my chest so I knew he was hungry. I said "you hungry baby?" I made a bottle then started feeding him. I said "KIYARE! We're his feeding blanket?"

He said "down here." I walked downstairs and grabbed the blanket, I sat on the lovesac and continued to feed him. When I burped him I was so scared he was going to throw up again. He didn't throw up but burped I was like thank you lord. When he finished eating I let his mom and dad hold him and Kj wasn't even crying he was smiling all big as if he knew them for a thousand years. I went upstairs and he followed me up, I went into our room and he pushed me back on the bed and was kissing me.

I said "you better chill."

He said "I fucking love you."

I said "I love you too, but we have to go downstairs."

I grabbed my hoodie then started walking he said "I gotta take a cold shower."

I said "ha do that." I went downstairs and she gave me Kj and said that they're going out for the night. I said "ok have fun love y'all."

They gave me a hug then walked out and home. He fell asleep so I picked him up and put him in his crib. When I was laid down Kiyare came out the shower I said "I needa go to sleep."

He gave me a kiss then put on sweatpants, and laid down. Once I got comfortable on top of him I was knocked the fuck out.

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