Chapter 12

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Today is the day Kiana and Myles' are signing their contracts for college. I don't care what no one says there gonna be together forever. After Kiana game like an hour later she came out they had this big set up for them in the middle of the game. The different college recruits were standing on each side showing who they wanted. They had basically all the same ones, except a few. The administrators talked for a little they all did then they said they'll announce it. Kiana said "I appreciate all these different representatives coming out and I can only choose one unfortunately. My number one choice and the college I'm rocking with is Oklahoma State." Then she looked at Myles and said "who you got?" Kiana had told me that he's most likely not going to the same one and they've talked about it how she's gonna support him no matter where he goes. He told her he just wasn't really feeling Oklahoma and she was fine just wants to be able to see him sometime like on weekends. She looked so unsure she told me she was praying he didn't pick something on the other side of the country cause then she would just die.

He smiled at her and said "Oklahoma State."

*Kiana's POV*
Oh my god I'm so scared. I announced Oklahoma State and the man came shook my hand gave me a hug and a duffle bag full of stuff. Then I asked the question I wish I had he answer to but he wouldn't tell me because he was still unsure. He was thinking either UCLA, Villanova, Kansas, etc. He told me he didn't really like Oklahoma. He smiled his million dollar smile then said "Oklahoma State." I got out my seat and he pulled me into a hug I was really crying my eyes out. He really didn't understand how terrible life without him would be. He's my heart man, if I didn't have him I swear on my life this shit wouldn't be worth it no more. He's my bestfriend and my number one fan, if I did not have him I would probably stop playing basketball for good this year. He smiled at me again and gave me a kiss. Oh my god I really don't know what I'd do without him. After we went to dinner with his family, my family, and the Oklahoma State recruiters and the two best players from the womens and mens team.

*Chantel's  POV*
When we got home Kj was asleep so I put him in his crib. Kiyare gave me a kiss and pressed me against the wall I was thinking in my head good lord 5 more days. Then at the exact same time he said "five more days." I went and took a shower then got grapes from downstairs brought them into the room and was eating them while he was in the shower. I started watching Netflix and was just chilling, then I heard Kj crying so I went and got him. I laid on the bed and changed his diaper.

I said "babe."

He said "yes?"

I said "should I give Kj a bath?"

He said "yea it's been a day." Kiyare came out and I filled the sink with warm water, and placed him inside. He was smiling all big I washed him then his hair and swaddled him in a baby towel.

I said "now daddy is gonna get you dressed." Kiyare was laying down I said "can you dress him?" He nodded and got him dressed. When he finished I was ready to take him back but Kiyare already put him to sleep. He put him in his crib then laid down I took my spot then gave him a kiss and said "good night."

Four days later he was acting weird. I said "baby what's wrong?"

He said "nothing."

I said "Kiyare what is wrong?"

He said "I'm going out for a couple hours."

I said "where are you going?"

He said "don't worry about it." Then I heard Kj crying. I got up and went to pick him up, I tried to get him to stop crying but he wouldn't it was like he knew something was wrong. I tried to call Kiyare but he turned his phone off. I laid down and Kj was laying on top off my chest. I kissed him on his forehead and he fell asleep so I just put him in the play pen that we keep in our room. Then I fell asleep too, when I woke up I heard the door slam shut and Kj was still sleep. I got up and stood at the top of the steps.

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