Chapter 8

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I met Kiyare's dad on Sunday, he seems nice but I didn't think he really liked me. After dinner I went right to the hospital, I miss him so much.

5 months later
Now I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant, his dad loves me and he's still a coma. I have wrote a letter to him everyday, right before I went to bed. My belly has swollen up so much my feet have too and all I can wear now is my uggs. I got dressed and put my makeup on then went to the hospital. The hospital staff knows me by name now it's actually kind of sad. When I walked into his room Dawan, Shyair, and Nyair were in there. They were talking to his comatose body like they knew him all their life even though they met him only 5 months ago. When I went in they finished up and said hi to me then left. His wound was fully healed now, so there was no more patch. His hair wasn't crazy as you would expect, his barber came out a couple of days to do it. I offered to pay but he refused to take my money. I had my hair straightened, it got long so I had to cut it back up to my shoulders. I had his hand in mine, being in here everyday never made it easier it's just hard to see him like this. I had my head down, when I felt a squeeze on my hand. I looked up and his eyes were open slightly. He said "wa....ter." I gave him some of the water that was in my purse. I hit the nurse button, and he pushed his eyes open he said "you stayed."

I said "I told you this was a forever thing." He pulled me towards him and gave me a kiss.

He said "I love you. I heard you talking to me everyday but I just couldn't ever open my eyes.. Trust me I wanted to."

I said "I love you too." I was crying again, then I said "I'll be right back I have to pee." I got up and walked in his bathroom, when I got back the nurse Gina and Doctor Daddo were in there talking to him. I sat back in my chair, and the doctor told him he was out for 5 months, and he had everyone worried. They told him he would be able to leave in like 3 days, I was so happy man I missed him so much. I texted his mom to tell her and they were here an hour later. Before they came Kiyare and I were talking he said "how's Kj?"

I said "healthy. The doctors said he is kind of small though, but he's still very healthy. Oh and on that note, he needs a god dad. But I think I have one that you would appreciate."

He said "who?"

I said "there's a man named Dawan but we all call him Mook, he's around are age. Just listen, the day everything happened they refused to let me ride in the ambulance with you. Dawan was behind us and offered me a ride, he thinks that bullet was meant for him. He's been here 3 times a week to visit you with Shyair and Nyair, his friends who were with us that day, and I think he would be a really good god dad."

He said "that's fine with me." I smiled and gave him a kiss. Then his mom, sister, brothers, and dad walked in. They talked for a while but eventually left. I texted Mook and told him to the hospital with Shyair and Nyair. They came and were talking to a Kiyare, and over a couple hours they got close it was a funny sight to see. When they finally left Kiyare pulled me towards him and was kissing me all over my face. He said "I love you with all my heart."

I smiled and said "I love you more." We were sitting talking, then I said "visiting hours are over baby, I love you. I'll be here tomorrow."

He gave me a kiss then I left. When I went back home I got in the shower, then wrote and fell asleep. When I went back to the hospital the next day, he said "baby I need to tell you something."

I said "what happened."

He said "I hope your not gonna be mad, it was a long time ago baby."

I said "oh my god tell me please."

He said "two weeks after we stopped talking, I had sex with Carmen."

I said "what the fuck, wait what about Keyshone."

He said "to defend myself I was drunk, but I don't know. Keyshone knows, he doesn't fuck with her anymore. I'm sorry baby, I didn't know."

I said "it's ok but look you do it again," then I gripped his dick slightly and said "I'll chop this off." Then I smiled.

He said "chill, I won't. I won't. Your better anyway." Then he winked at me.

I said "ew I don't wanna hear anymore about it."

He said "way tighter."

I said "Kiyare I'm going to bite you. I don't wanna hear about my 'bestfriend' vagina. Actually I don't give a fuck, fuck her she's a dumb whore."

He said "Awh babe, watch your mouth."

I smirked and said "what are you gonna do?"

He said "I can't wait to get outta here!"

I said "can't wait til your home."

He pulled me towards him and gave me a kiss. He said "you missed daddy?"

I said "don't get ya self to excited."

He said "answer it."

I said "of course." He gave me a huge kiss, and fricking pulled the shit outta my lip. I said "baby I forgot the book."

He said "what book?"

I said "I wrote you a letter everyday."

He said "really?"

I said "yeah because if not," then I pointed to my swollen stomach "this wouldn't still be here because I was stressing so much it woulda hurt Kj."

He said "you right."

I said "I'm always right."

He said "your so cocky."

I said "no I'm not!"

He said "you are but it's cute on you ma."

I said "I'm seriously going to bite you motherfucker."

He said "do it." Then he gave me a kiss, and I bit the fuck out of his lip. He gave me a death glare.

I said "I love you."

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