Chapter 2

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Picture of Kiyare.

*Chantel's POV*
Kiyare's mom makes me go over at least three times a week, and this week I met his older brothers Kyair and Keyshone, their twins. Then I meet his little sister Kiana. Every time Kianne sees me she gives me a dirty look but honestly I stopped giving a fuck. Plus every time Mom sees it she starts yelling at her. Before Sunday dinner at like 2, I was at my house baking a triple chocolate cake for Kiyare's mom, when someone knocked on my door. I opened it and it was Kiyare he came in and he looked like something was wrong. I said "hey are you okay?"

He said "Kianne said she might be pregnant."

I said "ok, so what's the problem?"

He said "she must have got her niggas mixed up because I didn't have sex with her."

I said "Awh Kiyare come here I'm sorry." I gave him a hug man, I tried to comfort him. I said "I'm making a cake, I mean it was suppose to be for your mom but if you want to have some you can. I'll just make another one. Come to the kitchen." He was sitting at the island bar thingy, I cut him a piece of cake and handed it to him. I said "if you want more you can." I took out more stuff because I make my cakes from scratch I don't like box cake.

He said "thank you Chantel, your always there."

I said "just how I am Kiyare, cause I'd expect the same I mean probably not the cake or nothing but if I show upset to your house I know you'd at least take time to make me happy again." I made the batter then I said "what shape cake should I make for your mom?"

He said "you gotta heart?"

I said "yeah imma do that." I took two of my heart shaped cake pans out and filled them, then placed them in the oven.

He said "this cake is good as shit, it tastes like its from a bakery."

I said "been baking all my life it should."

I took strawberries out and cut the green part off, he said "so why are you making moms a cake?"

I said "ya mom did a lot for me in the short time I known her, the least I can do is make her cake to show my appreciation."

He said "every other girl just excepted my mom to do a lot for them and never did anything for her."

I said "I'm not every other girl Kiyare."

He said "yeah I know."

I made my icing, I said "taste this." Then handed him a spoon I said "is that good?"

He said "yea that's good, how you learn how to bake?"

I said "my mommom, we was always making stuff she owned a bakery but then she got sick so she gave me all her recipes and things. She was a really good baker and said I'd be like her one day. So I been practicing cause on my 25th birthday I get the bakery."

He said "damn you good enough now, I keep coming over here imma get fat."

I said "yea yea." I took the cakes out and let them sit. I said "you want a drink?"

He said "yea."

I said "your not a stranger you been in my house before go in my fridge and take what you want."

He said "you right, you got that." Then he got up and got some milk. Once the cakes were cool, I took them out the pans and stacked them with a thick layer of chocolate icing. I covered the cake in 3 thick layers of chocolate icing, then I melted chocolate candies in a pan. I dipped the strawberries in it then put them on the cake. On the outside of the cake I made designs with the chocolate icing. I was really proud of myself this cake looked good. He said "damn that looks jump, I'm gonna have to ask mom for a piece."

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