Chapter 4

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Picture of Chantel's outfit to the party.

Flashback (cont.)
We went back to my house and I did my makeup. She told me how she invited her future husband Keyshone and his brother Kiyare was coming. I was like hey it's your night. She told me about Keyshone before she seemed to really like him. When we were all dressed and ready we left for the restaurant. You know since it's her birthday we arrived 5 minutes late. When we walked in we went to the table and their was only unfamiliar face and I'm guessing that is Keyshone's brother Kiyare. He might have been unfamiliar but he was the cutest guy at the table. Middle of dinner I told them about the club, and they agreed to go. Kiyare was flirting with me the whole night and even though I kinda had on a hoe dress from one night he knew I wasn't. We didn't fuck for a week, when I decided he wasn't a fuck nigga and I was being kind of a tease.

End of flashback
When the cookies were done his mom called everyone for dinner. I think at first my mom thought because of his exterior Kiyare was gonna be a thug but he is actually a physical therapist. I was surprised too, they don't mind his tattoos or anything. My mom loves his mom, like a little too much it's weird. I said my goodbyes to everyone and he was walking me to my car. He put his hand on my stomach and said "my little man."

I said "and if it's a girl?"

He said "then she's going to be my little princess but it's going to be a boy."

I said "yea yea whatever you say. Bye Kiyare."

He said "imma come over later bye pretty."

I got in my car and drove off, lately all I wanna do is eat, and sleep so by the time he comes over imma probably be sleep. But whenever I'm sleep and he comes over, he stays with me and takes a nap then goes home and goes to sleep. When I got home, I washed my face then got in the shower. After I got out I blowdried my hair, then put on a white nike sports bra, white ankle socks, gray cheeky underwear, and gray Nike sweatpants. I went downstairs and took my Diclegis pills so when I wake up I don't have to throw up and cause I'm about to eat. I just wanted to eat pickles and peanut butter, if I didn't have it I think I'm gonna cry. Kiyare called me and said "hey pretty, you up?"

I said "yeah." I was looking in the cabinets for peanut butter but I didn't have any. I was about to cry.

He said "what's wrong?"

I said "I don't have anymore peanut butter."

I started really crying, I'm so fucking emotional. He said "I'll get you some on my way over, 5 minutes pretty."

I said "thank you Kiyare! See you when you here." He hung up and 5 minutes later he walked in with very chunky peanut butter! I wrapped my arms around him giving him a huge hug. I said "thank you so much! I love you."

What the fuck did I just say! I knew I was gonna do this I knew this was gonna happen. I was gonna fall for him, but I'm just his baby mama. He said "I love you too." He pulled me into a hug, and kissed my forehead. I was eating he said "that's really disgusting Chantel."

I said "it's really good try it." He made the stankest face ever, I said "well your child made me want it so I don't care."

He said "yea yea." When I finished I went upstairs and brushed my teeth. He said "my seed is getting big." Then he put his hand on my stomach. He said "how many months left now?"

I said "about 5-6."

He said "I really can't wait, Imma do everything for him. He's never gonna be without."

I said "and if it's a girl?"

He said "same thing applies."

I said "yea yea."

He said "tomorrow after the gender appointment. Were  gonna go to that baby store and get some bottles and stuff, whatever we gon need."

I said "I gotta get money from the bank before."

He said "no you don't, I got everything."

I said "no I can't let you do that, cause we're gonna have to buy two of just about everything."

He said "why?"

I said "what do you mean? We live in 2 different places so 2 different cribs."

He said "your not asking me for anything Chantel I am telling you."

I said "alright Kiyare."

He said "Imma get some baby true religion jeans and everything, he's gonna match my fly."

I said "yea yea."

He said "what time is the appointment?"

I said "11:30."

He said "I'm picking you up cause the mall be packed as shit and we not gon find 2 close parking spots."

I said "alright Kiyare."

He said "your so beautiful Chantel."

I said "thank you."

He said "mom and your mom are suppose to be going shopping this weekend for the baby."

I said "I heard."

He said "why you sound upset?"

I said "I don't think my mom is happy about the baby."

He said "she seemed happy, why would you think that?"

I said "she's about appearance, she thinks that we won't be good parents. I can just see it in her face."

He said "your going to be the best mom ever, and I'm going to be the best father I can be. I mean I know I got a lot of tattoos, and look like I'm not capable of doing anything but I really am. Imma do you right and Imma do my son or daughter right. I promise you." I smiled and nodded he came towards me and gave me a kiss. I kissed him back and I didn't realize how much I missed his lips man. He slipped his tongue in my mouth. I felt a moan slip out my mouth, and he groaned. He picked me up and we went into my room, I was soaking wet man. I didn't know if it was me or the pregnancy hormones but I wanted some dick. He pulled off my sports bra and his shirt. He had one hand on my kitty another on my boob. I unbuttoned down his jeans and he hopped off the bed and pulled his pants and boxers down. He got on the bed and pulled down my pants and started rubbing my kitty faster. I arched my back and he pulled my underwear down. Meanwhile I started stroking his dick. By the time we finished I had came like 6 times, and I was tired as fuck. I knew he still had to leave but it's whatever cause I'll be with him again tomorrow. Before he left I reminded him to pick me up from his mom's. When he left I got in the shower and changed my sheets. I woke up at 7 and put my hair in curls, and did my makeup. I put on my gray and darker gray tight tribal printed high waisted skirt that goes down to just about my knee, a white cropped shirt, and all white huaraches. I went to his mom's house, and she was making breakfast.

She said "why you so happy pretty girl?"

I said "no reason."

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