The Lone Wolf

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An alarm on a Samsung Galaxy S5 playing Habits of My Heart by Jaymes Young awakes a teenage boy named Farrôn Crane. Farrôn was 16, a Junior in Highschool and fit as a football player. Weighing 182 pounds, he goes to gym 3 times a week, runs 3 miles or more 5 times a week but despite his looks he doesn't do sports. His reasoning guys have a ego to prove who is better and Farrôn was never a competitive type of guy except when it comes to grades he had a 4.5 GPA, girls made the matter of sports even more dreadful because he doesn't want anyone of them falling for him, try to get his number or trying to have a one night stand with him, most of all he hated the way they had to look like the world revolved around them but other than that Farrôn was a regular teenager. "Ugh, why do I have that as my alarm ringtone." He mumbled something unintelligent then he remembered why, "Annoying piece of crap," and dismissed the alarm, the boy rolls out of bed and glances at the time on his phone. It was 6:20 and he had a 45 minute drive he had to make to get to school, he does his morning routine and heads downstairs to get some breakfast. "Morning Sport," said his dad "Morning, sweetheart," said his mother as she fixed breakfast with consists of French toast, eggs, and bacon "Morning guys," he replied as he got the orange juice out the fridge and pour it into one of glasses on the table and then giving it to his father. Farrôn was the only child of Susan Woods Crane and Johnathan Crane, he was glad he was the only child, he didn't think he could take another sibling's antics. "So how do you feel about your first few months of school." His dad asked "It's okay, I think that this year Calculus will be a challenge but other than that I pass the first semester with A's." He smirked "You sound confident son." His dad replied "Yes sir," he said, in his mind he thought, "I was born with a natural gift for learning and I always excel in my classes." "Alright," said his mom, "Eat up, don't want you to be late." Farrôn ate his breakfast said goodbye to his parents and drive to Garsen Highschool.

Garsen Highschool is a public school but by it's looks it looked like one big private school, it has 4 fields for softball, baseball, football, and soccer, 2 courts both located at the ends of the highschool for basketball, a large gymnasium, 36 classes each able to hold 25 to 30 students. Altogether the school holds 875 students, he pulled into the parking lot by 7:20, he had ten minutes to spare before he would have to make his way to his to his first class before 7:45 which happened to be AP English. He turned off his Nissan Ultima 2014 and just sat in the car thinking until someone knocked on his window, Farrôn thought to himself "Who is this prick?" as he opens his door, it was now 7:25 and would have had 5 more minutes of peace if it wasn't for the person on the other side of his car door, so whoever they were would have his wrath for disturbing his peace. "What?" He snarled looking at the person it was a girl and he realized soon that she was new because of the schedule in her hand so he decided to give her a little sympathy but only a little. "Ummm, do you know where AP English is?" said the girl "Yes I do actually I'm in that class." He responded with a fake smile plastered on his face, "Oh really, that's good so umm..." She fidgeted "I hate when girls do this, it makes them look they want something from him." He thought "Yes." His impatience evident in his voice "I'm Kaira, Kaira Long." She responded, "Name's Farrôn, Farrôn Crane," he grumbled, "Nice to meet you Farrôn." She said but before she can start a conversation, "Shouldn't we get to class so you know where it is." He said "Oh, yeah kinda forgot about that." She replied "See." He thought, "This why I hate girls their way to put aside what they were previously asking about to do something else is infuriating. At least ask what you going to ask, then go to lala land." He closes his car door, locks it and enters the doors of the school with Kaira following behind him, AP courses were at the back at the school so they had to walk a little far to get there, during the walk to class two didn't talk to each other because Kaira was too busy admiring the school, which was great for Farrôn because he really didn't to talk to her. They arrived room 219 at 7:35, "So this is AP English?" asked Kaira "Yeah, this class may seem hard but don't worry if you listen to Ms. Herr you won't have a problem." He replied "You sure, I am good at English but test make me feel that I haven't studied at all." Kaira said looking worried "Jeez, this girl is worrying too much and she hasn't even started class yet." Farrôn thought "Wait the teacher's name is Herr like the chip?" She asks as a smile creeps onto her face "Yes, but don't let her hear you say that, you'll get detention and I definitely won't bail you out." He warned as he opens the door and goes to his seat. Kaira stays at the front of the class, "Guess Herr going to introduce the girl." he thought then a dragon appeared in the room it's name Patricia Rocks, a rich kid by her standards her dad worked a major car company and he mom owns 5 stores statewide. "Farrôn, so nice to grace yourself, in front of my presence." She greeted as she walked to him, she always wore the most expensive perfume it would be great if it wasn't for the fact that she always had too much on. Today was cherry but it was so empowering that when he spoke he had to look away to take a breath, "Hello thy dragon shalt thee call a knight to smite thee, so thy may be able to breathe." He smirked "Funny Farrôn but beware at least this dragon has a sense in fashion, might have to give you one, one day." She said throwing him a smile "No thank you, rather get fashion sense from a Ogre than you." He responded, "Who do you think your taking to, don't you know who my parents are you senseless prick!" She yelled "Ms. Rocks, would you like to indulge us on your conversation or will you sit down?" boomed Ms. Herr, Patricia sits down obviously embarrassed by Ms. Herr's comment along with the laughter of the people in the class. "Alright class, I'm starting my lesson early so quiet down."

A/N: First Chapter, what do you guys think? Love it, hate it tell me how it could be better, peace
Also the state they are in is Georgia

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