Chapter 8

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Eddie is lying on the floor completely shattered. He feels like his world has completely crashed in around him. Everyone else is sitting in shock when the doctor comes in and starts to talk to them. 

Doctor: Ms. Tate?

Nora: That's me

Doctor: Are you Loren Tate's mother?

Nora: Yes, hows my daughter, how's she doing?

Doctor: I'm really sorry but her condition hasn't changed. If you want you can all come one at a time to say your good byes and then you and I can work out the logistics for funeral arrangements.

Nora: Thank you doctor. Eddie, you want to go down first?

Max: Nora i think you should go in first I will follow then Melissa and Eddie can go last he will probably want to spend a lot of time with her.

Nora looks down at Eddie and her heart breaks all over again for him. Eddie then looks up at her.

Eddie: How did she do it? How did she survive it?

Nora: Who, what?

Eddie: Loren, how did Loren stay strong when she found out i was dead.

Melissa: Eddie, it wasn't easy for her, she was a huge mess for days after she heard but she kept on hoping that it wasn't true. It really wasn't easy. She dreamed about you, she would see someone who looked or sounded like you and she would break down all over again. But Eddie the one thing that kept her strong and helped her to keep on going was you.

Eddie: Me?

Melissa: Yeah you, everything she did, from going to school, eating and playing her music she did it all for you. Everything was for you and that kept her strong. I think you should do the same for her. She would want you to stay strong to continue with your career. 

Eddie: Mel, i can't believe she's gone i just can't

Nora: Eddie, you know what i find really funny about that?

Eddie: What?

Nora: Loren had the same reaction when she heard you were dead.

Eddie: And look how that turned out for her. Hopefully it will turn out the same for me.

Doctor: I don't mean to interrupt but are you ready to go down to your daughter?

Nora takes a deep breath and follows the doctor through the double doors. They walk down a really long corridor and go down the elevator to the basement they get out and walk to the room labeled morgue. The doctor pauses for a moment.

Doctor: Are you ready?

Nora: As ready as i will ever be to say good bye to Loren, i just can't believe this is  actually happening, she was such a special child and she was on her way to becoming a huge rock star.

The doctor then opens the door and they both walk in. Loren looks extremely pale and besides for her head she is completely covered in a white sheet. The doctor walks to the corner of the room to give Nora her space.

Doctor: I will be waiting here for you in the corner room when you are ready to give the next person a turn with Loren let me know and i will go get them.

Nora: Thank you doctor i really appreciate it.

Nora walks over to the table that Loren's body was on, she lifts the sheet and holds onto her hand and then for the first time since she heard the news Nora broke down completely.

Nora: Loren, oh Loren, wake up baby wake up please. I need you the world needs you. I know i didn't get to tell you properly how amazing you were tonight. Those songs you wrote about Eddie leaving and then how you changed it today when he came back you were sensational. The crowd loved you tonight just as i knew they would. Baby girl come back to me, to us who will keep me company at night, who will i talk to when things are hard. i know it sounds weird but Loren you are my best friend in the whole world. I really miss you. You went through a lot this past week thinking Eddie was dead and then finding out he was alive but not knowing where he was. Getting back together with Eddie again. Loren you are my daughter you are strong i know you will pull through please for all of us, come back to the land of the living. When your dad left you he broke your heart and you got through it, when Eddie disappeared you fell apart but you survived in my heart i know you won't come back but a part of me feels like any minute now you will wake up and this will all be over. Loren please don't go, please. 

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