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stiles pov 

i woke up in my jeep with a headache the size of texas.i turn to see scott still knocked out next to me.wait why am i in my jeep....and why am i in the backseat with scott.who drove us here.i look out the jeep window to see my house.great.i pull out my phone to see it was 8:13.shit...shit shit.how long was i asleep...why did i fall asleep.i turn back over to see him shuffling around probably waking up too.the last thing i remember are those eyes.her eyes.romalisa..i mean roma.wow shes one strange girl.did she put us here.no..that cant be...she so small..she couldnt possibly lift me and scott up..better yet knock us out cold.but what about the whole pen thing in class.maybe it was just some kind of trick on her pen.but then the fire alarm..it went off right when she looked at it.and she knew scott had been bitten...and she knew i was lying about my name...somethings up with this girl.but i have a feeling she doesnt want anyone to find out.i should probably leave her alone..but somethings telling me i should be near her.to find out who she really is.maybe its just curiosity."dude...what happened?"scott asked rubbing the inner corner of his eyes."i have no clue...at least were in my jeep though and not on the street or something."i add trying to come to terms with our recent situation."a bed would have been better...ive got a massive headache now"scott whined pinching the bridge of his nose.i let out a sigh.i guess we'll never know what happened then.

i decided on taking scott to his house but after i dropped him off i noticed something sat at the bottom of my seat.a all black crossbag lay underneath the seat.romalisa.it was her.but how?shes going to have a lot of explaining to do tommorow.

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