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stiles pov

when i got to my jeep the first person that came to my mind to call was Scott.  He picked up on the first ring a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.  "what is it with Allison right now." Scott whispered into the phone harshly. "i just called to tell you that i..Mr.stilinsky a date with none other than Romalisa Strega!"i bragged popping my collar in pride.  "wow..really dude..i thought she hated your guts?" Scott asked in a shocked manner.  "yeah me too..but it seems she couldn't resist my irresistible charm very long." i stated becoming more confident by the second. Scott laughed and snorted making my ego falter slightly.  "well congratulations man...but do you mind..i trying to score with my own girl right now." Scott confessed whispering into the phone. "oh sorry don't know how to control yourself yet Scott..what if all of a sudden you wolf out on her?" i questioned starting the engine of my jeep in worry.  "gosh man..way to be a buzz kill..ill be careful..i just need to be with her right now."Scott stated. "i don't know if that's a good idea Scott..the full moon is tomorrow and we still" i was cut off by Scott hanging up the phone.  i slammed my fist into the steering wheel in frustration.  we need to find away to control himself and him being around Allison isn't going to help.  jeez why did he have to get bitten. we were just fine with our regular human lives.. of course he was a loser..but now every 5 minutes i have to stop him from tearing someone apart.  at least i have Roma in my life now though.  i thought that after my mom died i could never have the courage to love someone since my dad was so heartbroken. i mean yes i was deeply infatuated with Lydia..but Roma..i think i actually love her..i mean i know i love her...the thing could she ever love me back. shes like the prettiest girl at school so why would she even consider me. I'm awkward and pale. i don't have many friends besides  Scott and i have a cheap jeep that barely gets by.  when she told me to forget about her back in the forest i thought my heart was going to fall out of my chest.  yet when i looked into her eyes i know the only reason she said that was because she was just afraid as i was....maybe even more.  i know she could probably take care of herself fairly well..but i knew that if she were to ever be in danger i would lay down my life generously to keep her safe.  god Ive barely known this girl for a week and I'm already confessing my love for her? where are your man balls stiles? what the hell who am i kidding id do anything for her..just to see her smile ..i would give up my left leg if it would please her.  i know my feelings for her are unhealthy but what is a guy supposed to do when an angel has stolen your heart.  i don't know what to expect when meeting her family..will they like me..i mean I'm a human and their witches..are they going to turn me into a cat or something if they don't approve of me...i really hope they like me..not only for my own safety..but for their permission to date Roma. the only thing i want right now in life is to be able to call Roma my girl and to not be afraid my best friend is going to murder me on a full moon. it would be a cherry on top of the cake if i made first string in lacrosse too...but I'm not pushing it.

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