Chapter Eleven: Just try

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Wadupp y'all 😸

Lol so I hope you enjoy this chapter💧🙉


<Chrissy's pov>

I was released from the hospital around noon the next day. I was at home finally still not believing the last memory I had of me and Kaylee was me holding her when she almost slipped on the ice. I tossed my phone up and down cause all I could think about was Kaylee. She was probably at home I guess. But she wouldn't answer any of my calls. So I decided to walk to her house. I'm surprised I didn't die I don't even remember the car accident but I had a broken wrist to prove it.


There were no cars in her driveway so I hoped she'd be home. I knocked on the door a few times and waited. She opened the door but just seeing her made me get this weird jittery feeling in my stomach. I kind of liked it. She had her hair in a loose bun wearing sweats and a jacket she had runny mascara and eye liner all over her face but it was she what faded she had looked like she was crying for days. "Hey...can I come in?" I started. She looked at me and gave me a whatever look and gestured me in. Wow. She had gotten all new furniture. It looked really nice. Here goes nothing. "I got a surprise for you." I said plopping on her couch. I was going to take her on our first date maybe we could start over? I don't know but it's worth a shot.


"We'll princess I thought we could-" she hugged me tightly. I smiled cause my heart was beating really fast. I knew this feeling. I felt something wet against her cheek. She was crying. She wrapped her arms protectively around my neck and she did the unthinkable she smiled. Why was she so happy? Was it something I said? I don't know but now she was sitting comfortably in my lap it felt like she belonged there. "What's all this for" I said.

"You called me princess." she said happily. "As annoying as it used to be I don't think I would ever be so happy to hear you say it again." she cried. She couldn't wipe that smirk off her face.

"I want to remember us..I really do..but how did I start 'liking' my best friend?" I questioned.

Her grin faded a bit and she sighed again.

"You read my diary everyday when I'd fall asleep. And you found out how I felt about you and you saw how special it was and then you kissed me one day and you said you fell in love right then." she said. "I just want you to remember yourself....whenever that comes we can date again we don't have to rush things...let's just go back to being best friends..if that's want you want." she said happily.

"Okay so what I miss?"

"Everything! School fights, the time you slapped Ashlyn!, when you peed yourself in the movie theater, when we went to the beach.........." She said frowning at the end.

"I SLAPPED ASHLYN?" I yelled. What???

"Yeah cause she said I was a ugly bitch at lunch really loud on top of a table and then she punched me! and me and you were dating slapped the shit out of her." she explained. Damn I must have really loved Kaylee if I actually put my hands on a woman to defend her.

"Woah does she like hate me?" I said. I hope she doesn't. I really love- erm loved her?

"No...she like drools over you everyday." she said with a smirk. I really like Ashlyn still.

"Sleepover?" I said.

"Why not..." She said.


We laid in the grass watching the stars. We just sat there she basically told me everything about how we were and the letters we'd write each other and how I said I was going to marry her. Crazy.

She told me how she wasn't going to have feelings for me anymore and let me figure out who I liked. "You used to call me princess and sing lucky to me every night even on the phone sometimes" she said.



"Princess hurry up!" I glared into the bathroom and she was singing. She's so perfect ugh I just want her to be mine.

"One second." she said. Then I ran back into her room. She came out the bathroom then ran back in.

"Are you naked?" I said. She didn't answer I peeked in the door and then her cat scared the shit out of me and I jumped. And slid on the bathroom floor. And Kaylee was in my jersey. She jumped in the shower and it was still on. Dumbass. The shower was still on. Her jeans got all drenched with makeup and she yelled at me.

"Get out..." She mumbled. I came closer and lifted her chin up makeup everywhere. "I know I'm disgusting you didn't let me finish my makeup you fart" she said.

I gasped. "You're the most beautiful girl in the world."



"Ow!" I said rubbing my head.

"What is it?" Kaylee said.

"I just remembered something." I said.

"OOOOOOOH WHAT!?" She said getting all excited.

"Me and you were in the bathroom and you messed up your make up and I said you were beautiful." I said.

"Oh...I liked that day." she said blushing. She was hiding something I could see it by her facial expressions.

"Yeah well it's almost midnight, we should get inside now." I said.


I kept having bad dreams so I woke up. Kaylee was sitting at the edge of the bed writing in her diary. I peeked trying to see what she was writing the she jumped. "Chris!" I yelled.

"Sorry, I got curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat." she growled.

"Go to bed." she said.

"You go to bed." I said.

"What do you want?" She said scoring next to me on the bed.

"I have a question." I trailed off.

"Whatdoyouwanttoknow?" She mumbled.

"What does it feel be my first kiss..when did you kiss me?" I said.

Her grin faded. "You kissed me actually.. It was the best thing that I have ever felt in my life and ill never.." She paused. "I'll never f-forget it." I said.

"I kissed you?" I said. What that didn't make any since I'm absolutely terrified of kissing I just don't want to do it wrong.

"Yeah." she said in a shaky voice. I turned over and silently fell asleep.

"I love you." she whispered to herself. She thought I wouldn't hear but I did. And I smiled.


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