Part 24- Early in The Morning

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Part 24- Early in The Morning

I drifted in to sleep quickly. I was dreaming of me and the guys buying a house better saying a mansion. We were all inside when there was a knock on the door. I reached it and opened. I closed immediately but the guy got his foot between the door. I screamed “GO AWAY!” I pushed him away from me but he kept going after me. “Sharon, wake up…” in a soft way it wasn’t Jake it was someone else…

I woke up, I felt all heated up. The sweat ran down my face, mixture with tears. I looked up facing a worried Zayn.

-Shhhh! It’s okay it’s just a nightmare. I’m here. - He said.

-Sorry to wake you up. – I said and let out more words out of my mouth. – Can you sleep here? With me?

-Hum, yeah… you want water?

-Hum, Hum – I nodded. He got up and got out of the door, when he returned he had a glass of water in one of his hands.

-Here princess…. What happened? – He said as I drank the water, he sat in front of me. He had his legs to the side and one hand on my legs. I reached the nightstand and put the glass there. I told him what the dream…. I mean nightmare was about.  

-Now let’s try to sleep… - He said I moved so he could get in bed, I basely was occupying the whole bed to myself. He got his pillow and covered with the sheets. I laid with my back to him, I felt him pressing the bed and I felt him kissing my head. – Sleep well Sharon.

-You to Zayn. – But before falling in sleep I muttered to him. – I love you Zayn.

-I love you too my little princess.- He got his arm around my waist, in a protecting way, and I moved closer to him. I could feel the warmth of his body next to mine. It was comforting & safe. 

Remember when I said about not getting used, just forget it, I like this….  It didn’t take long until I drift away in sleep.

I was dreaming so fine about Justin Bieber.

«Wake up pretty girl» Justin leaned on me.

«No Justin, sleep a little more with me…» He laughed and I turned around (in real life)

«Wake up girl! » He placed a kiss on my forehead. I opened my eyes slowly realizing that I really felt the kiss. The light made me close them again and open them again super slowly. Finally after a long time I woke up.  I turned around. God it was just a dream I sigh of relief, ok may be not relief but from disbelieve it was just a dream.

I stretched, and hit someone. I looked up to see Zayn smiling like a fool to me.

-Hi my name’s Justin…. – He mimics little Justin, from Never Say Never movie.

-Shut up! – I just wanted to buried my face in my pillow.

- Get your ass out of bed, we need to be ready at 8 a.m.! - He demanded.

-Why? – I looked to the clock. It was freaking 7.00 a.m.

- We have a long day a head. – He got up and walked away from the bed. My first reaction was to hide underneath the sheets. But Mister Malik decided to change it, he took the sheets away and got hit with the cold air.

-Yeih! I’m up. – I stood up on the bed. Turned to face my wardrobe but Zayn took me off from the bed in a bridal style. I got my arms around his neck. He spined around smiling then he stopped. – Can’t wait to live with you… I mean you guys!

-You get use to it. Now get ready!

-Hum... Zayn! – I said to him.

- What? – He said still caring me.

-I can’t move if you don’t put me down. – I said, I quick kissed him… ok what’s going on with me? We aren’t even dating. I got one messed life….

-Ok, well I need to wake the guys up… - Zayn said putting me on the ground I still had my hands on his neck, he got his hands down at my back until my waist.

-Why are you so early up? From what I read you the sleepiest one!

-Babe… hum… it’s just an exciting day… what can I say? – He said, looking so happy… but at the same time suspicious.

-Sure you are. – I said not caring way.

-Awnnn c’mon just get dressed and we’ll go and search houses. YEIH! – He said to me, and got closer and our lips finally met. They moved in the same rhythm, like they were made to each other, just weird how it matched so perfectly. We finally broke it. – Hey I’m going. N-O-W. Ok? As much I would like to stay in here…

-Ok go ahead… - I said leaving his arms and walking to the wardrobe.

-You want me to do something to eat? Breakfast?

-Sure… - I said. I looked behind to see Zayn walking out the door. Something is up….

Zayn POV:

I walked down stairs with a smile on my face. She told me she loved me… I let out a breath like a teenage girl. Shoot! I’m acting like one, I mentally slapped myself.  I planned inside of my head, while she was sleeping, what I was going to do tonight. She will never know what’s even crossing my mind. I need the guys to help me out on this! I maybe am planning to ask her out to be my girlfriend… Our relationship changed a lot, since last night, not about what we did but the way we spoke to each other. She’s worth to try… We all have an no assured, we won’t know what might happen next.

I was in front of the boys room and opened. There were 4 sleeping beauties!

-WAKE UP GUYS! – I actually started jumping on their beds.

-Get away…. Zayn?! What the hell? – Liam said, opening his eyes and face me.

-Yeah! What about? – I asked. They knew I’m not a morning person, I just really love sleeping, but hey I don’t care! I’m in the mood!

-Say it again…- Lou opened his eyes a little. – Why the hell are you so early up?

-Bro! What’s the matter aren’t we going to find a house to live? I’m excited, just that! – I said looking excited.

-Shut up Zayn. – Niall said. I looked to the blond Irish boy putting his pillow on his head.  Then I looked to Harry still sleeping. Liam sat.

-Tell us the truth. What do you want?- Liam  said rubbing his eyes.


-Zayn, stop telling everyone you got laid! – Harry said from somewhere, half sleeping half wake. Liam slapped his head!

-No! Harry I didn’t…. – I said. – But whatever. What do you guys think if I ask Sharon to be my girlfriend? – 4 heads popped in my way. I was now sitting on Liam’s bed. Niall came and shook me. – Stop Ni!

-What did you do to Zayn?! – He said then fell back laughing.

-You are so stupid Niall!

-No problemo! I love you too! – Niall said, he blow me a kiss to me. I faked to whip it of my face. He made look he was hurt.

-When are you asking her? – Lou asked.

-Tonight but I need your help guys… - I said to them, and told the plan.

-Sure we all in… - I heard footsteps on the stairs. I rushed out the bedroom and was about to walk to the kitchen.

-Zayn? – The person said.



Woops Zayn needs the boys help to ask Sharon out? I wonder whats in his mind and if the plan goes well.... 

Who called Zayn? 

Let me know what you think will happen....  Keep voting & commenting you all make my day and I can't stop smiling.... =)

Lots of Love Sharon! 

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