Part 23- I Said Too Much!

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I love you all

Part 23 - I said too much! 

Sharon POV: 

I took my laptop. I opened it. I was trying not to picture more of the “making out”, even if that’s impossible. I checked Facebook I saw I had 2 messages. I just clicked them open and saw from who it was.

Jasmin & Kate. Can’t wait for what is coming:

“From: Kate

Oh, hi Sharon, could I come tomorrow to your house? I know that 1D is there. I always believed you knew Zayn”

-BULLSHIT! – I simply said to the laptop.

-What? – Zayn said, almost forgot he was here.

-This… - I pointed to the screen. He read.

-Great friend you have there. No doubt about it!

-Tell me about it…

I then opened Jasmin’s mail:

“From: Jazzy

Now I know why you can’t go tomorrow. Have fun with the boys ;) “

She’s super sweet I texted her back

“It’s not about the boys I’ll tell you what happened someday. X”

-You want it? – I asked Zayn handing my laptop to him.

-Sure just two minutes and well get some rest. – He said to me.

-Ok daddy. – Again he smiled, what’s wrong? I just said “ok darry.” . Oh I get it, I started to mumble Usher’s song "Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home)".  - What are you checking?

-Twitter, I guess our fans miss me on twitter…

-You serious? Let me guess you’ll twit “Hi, how are you guys? X”  and then log out?

-Hum….no.  I wouldn’t do that! – I looked to the screen. Laying on his chess with my head, he played with my hair.

-You just did! – I said sounding obvious.

-Ok then I’ll twit something else… hope you like this one. – I looked as he typed each word. “Directioners need help there’s a girl in the room and she’s too hot to be in here. S.O.S.?” – What do you think?

-NO! Delete it… now Zayn Malik! – I said sitting back.

-Ok princess it’s done… - he said smiling. I laid back looking at the ceiling. Zayn started to play again with my hair.

-What’s trending at this hour of the night? – I asked him.

-Try to guess…

-OMG JUSTIN BIEBER IS TRENDING! – Zayn let out a sigh. –What?

-Yes he is trending! But it’s not that….

-We are trending…. – I said super low voice.

-They are trending #Zaron.

-How did they find out my name? – I was almost falling in sleep because of Zayn playing with my hair.

-Let me introduce to you: Directioners, our fans…. They find out everything

-No way?! I’m not even a Directioner…. – I said rolling my eyes. I started to laugh.

-What? – Zayn asked curious.

-Nothing just reminding that we are better than the FBI or CIA. There was one time they find out the sizes of… You know what never mind wasn’t important -I shut my mouth. Zayn was shutting the laptop. He was looking to it. He removed his hand of my hair.

-What did they find out?

-Probably nothing! Hummm… Let’s forget it…

-Did they really found out the size of our… ya know.

-Duh Zayn I’ll never know I didn’t went to you guys with a ruler to check if it was true. – Then I realized what I just said and I looked at him. Awkward how it sounded!  Then the worse came: Picturing it! I turned in to a red light stop sight!

-Oh… my…. Sharon, tell me please you didn’t picture anything.

-Nah! Me? You got to be kidding. Hahaha- I laughed in fade out.- You know what it’s too late… let’s sleep.

-Sharon…- He just said.- You aren’t picture it are you?

-hahahaa…. NO!

-You are a dirty minded girl…

-Shut up Zayn! – I cut him off. – Let’s not start with who’s dirty here! Or I’ll get your laptop and search thru’ the historic of it!

-Go ahead! – He said pointing to it.

-I don’t believe in you Bad Boy!

-I like it. –He let out

-What do you like?

-Nothing. –He quick said.

- Zayn you said, “I like it” – I tried to sound like him.

-You got it right sleep well. – He kissed my head and ran out of bed. I stood there looking to the empty space he left in my bed. I swear never saw a guy running out of bed as fast as he did.

Tonight I would share my bed with myself , I couldn’t get use to him always sleeping in my bed. Believe me or not but after I said, almost, that I was picturing things I could bet I saw his smilng (something he hadn’t done the whole time) and looked awkwardly. But Mr. Malik turned to fast for me to deceive his expression. I got inside of the sheets and covered me until my ears. 

-Sleep well Zayn. – I wish I could add an “I love you” at the end

-You too Sharon.- I stretched my arm and turned the light off.

I drifted in to sleep quickly.

I was dreaming of me and the guys buying a house better saying a mansion. We were all inside when there was a knock on the door. I reached it and opened. I closed immediately but the guy got his foot between the door. I screamed “GO AWAY!” I pushed him away from me but he kept going after me. “Sharon, wake up…” in a soft way it wasn’t Jake it was someone else…

I woke up, I felt all heated up. The sweat ran down my face, mixture with tears. I looked up facing a worried Zayn.

-Shhhh! It’s okay it’s just a nightmare. I’m here. - he said 

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