Part 16- The Truth

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Part 16- The truth 

Sharon POV

 I was laying in bed, waiting for Zayn to come back with the ice, I wasn’t planning to go tomorrow with the girls this was too much… I grabbed my phone, I looked at my background, I found myself giggling alone. When…

-Sharon… - A deep voice came from the door, what made me jump out of bed literally. I looked at him he started at me with a silence laugh and then the true laugh came out.

-Don’t do that thing AGAIN! - I said, trying to be angry, I sat back in my bed I completely forgot about my pain.

-Here! - He said sitting next to me. – Thank God you are talking!- He said relieved. I haven’t talk to anyone for 1 hour almost. I guess it’s time to talk to someone and probably Zayn will ask me stuff.  He sat next to me and I just leaned my head on his chest. I did it automatically, don't know why...

-Please talk to me…- he said lowering his voice.  I looked down not wanting to answer any question but I knew it was time.  

-Who was that boy? - Zayn asked me softly playing with my hair while I had my hand with the ice on the blue mark.

-Jake. –I only said to him.

-Hum, tell me why he did that, Sharon? – It’s so cute when he says my name… what am I thinking? “Focus, Sharon, focus!”

-I really don’t know Zayn, it’s happening for an year. I just wish it could stop!-  I hated Jake and I was tired to run away from him. I let out some tears that Zayn immediately cleaned.

-Don’t cry… - He took my phone that was “between” us, and turned it on. – Type the code please…- I typed it in, he took a quick look to the phone, like he was checking something. Then he smiled. – Look at your background! See that clown? No one takes pictures like that! Pfff! – I let out a small laugh.

-He isn’t a clown! He is a LOVELY clown! – I found myself looking at him and smiling like I haven’t in a while.  He looked at me lifting up one of his eyebrows.

-Oh is he a lovely clown? We will see that. – I saw his smile wide up in his face. He quickly tickled me, but immediately stopped of it because I was trying to “run” away, that movements when someone is tickling you,  and he got his hand on my blue mark.

-Auuu! - I let out…

-Sorry  didn’t mean to hurt you…

-No problem silly. – I patted him in his chess.

He started to be more serious: -Can you tell me what or why he is doing it to you?

-I…I… I guess I can…

-If you don’t want to tell me it’s okay.

-No… It all started when he started to ask me out and stuff like it. He wasn’t my “type” so saying… - I looked at him he was paying very attention to what I was saying.

-What’s your type then? – he said making a little evil smile, he was expecting I was to describe him… what made me describe everything what he wasn’t! He looked “hurt”, but I ended up laughing of him. He was a little of my "type" but I'm a badass and well I changed everything, what made me feel bad when I saw him "hurt", but I knew he was just joking....

-Now keep going with the “story”! I don’t like that type of guys! – He stocked his tong out. I could let out a laugh.

-Ok… So well I just dumped him. He started to spread some stupid rumors and started to pick on me. Then the worse came, the “populars” started to like him a lot when I realized it wasn’t just him picking on me… - I said just stopping a while to catch air.

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