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-Let’s go Zayn. – I said to him. He moved way faster than me our lips finally met each other. After we separated them, it was hard but we did it. – We need to stop this… It’s irresistible, like serious we need to calm down!

-It’s your fault you’re irresistible! – He said smiling

-Whatever let’s go! And don’t tell them what we are doing! – I warned him, I first needed to take in all the stuff that happened between us. I already knew so much about him and he did about me. It seems we knew each other for years.

-Sure… - He said taking my hand and walking out of the bedroom. He let go when we reached the stairs, and took a quick look at me and smiled. I stick my tongue.  – We are coming. – Zayn shouted to the boys.

We made our way to the car, the guys started immediately to goof around. We were in London streets and Niall was challenged to open the window and shout his lungs out: I’M AMAZING BITCHES!

He was lucky because no one recognized him, we all laughed so hard. My stomach was starting to hurt me so badly.

The whole trip of seeing houses was exhaustive, but we finally came to a top 5. After looking to 20 houses. In and Out. That was all we did today. There were houses that were like PARADISE on earth. The final one came, as we approached it my jaw dropped.

-Oh….my…god…. – I said to them. I looked like a kid in the candy shop.  The view of the house was amazing and it seemed a palace. I mean I wouldn’t mind to live in here.

-Ok first impression = Amazing – said Liam next to me.

-Finally we are agreeing with each other. – Me and Liam have been disagreeing with each other the whole day.

-Shut up cous. , let’s see how it looks inside. – The car stopped in front of the porch, I was the first to get out of the car.

-Someone is excited. – Zayn said to the boys still in the car.  They laughed.

-Shut up and get your ass out of the car. I’m getting tired!

-Yes mam! – Zayn said to me!

We walked in and I couldn’t be more melting as I was.

-I see you made it. – A women in the living room said.

-Yeah. – Harry said.

-Shall we see the house?

-You call this a house? – Niall said. Guess wasn’t the only one excited, I joined him. – This is a palace!

-Sure it is, let’s start upstairs… - the women told us and we followed her.  She kept talking I was just amused with the house. We reached one of the rooms, she opened the door, it was a bedroom. It had a huge glass that you could see the garden, and it had a little balcony. There was already furniture inside of it. – Well this is a kind of suite. You have a bathroom there. – She pointed as the boys walked to it. I walked too.

-Oh my… - The boys said. I took a quick look at it, jaw falling again WARNING! It had a kind of bath and it had a shower. It had a huge window. I was speechless.

-Well you can see everything from the inside but from the outside no one can see you. So you can have privacy. Most of the rooms have a bathroom but since you can see this one is the biggest. And it has the biggest walk in wardrobe. – She said showing it to us. - It’s great for girls. – she winked at me and I giggled. The boy looked at me like I was guilty of something.

-Whaat? – I said looking down.

-Nothing! – Niall said. The whole house seeing me and him were always whispering to each other what we thought about. He even decided which room he wanted, because I said I wanted the huge one, it was like perfect. He would have the room in front of mine. Even if we didn’t knew if they wanted this house we were already planning everything.

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