Part 17- Mom Knows Everything

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 Part 17- Mom Knows Everything

 Sharon POV: 

 I kept looking at him, then he came and somehow he got me on his shoulder.

-ZAYNNNNNNN MALIKKKKK! Just put me on the ground! – I shouted, it was worthless because when I found out that 5 pair of eyes we’re on me. He finally put me down. – STUPID!- I punched him softly.

-Just shut up Sharon.- he stocked his tong out to me

-Sharonn, - my mom said coming to me. Hugging my thigh, my arm hurt a little but I ignored it. I loved huggs it's something I can't resist. – How you feeling? - she asked worried.

-Well, - I started to say but she moved her hand on my blue mark. – Auu. – she took a quick look to it.

-God Sharon, - My mom eyes widen when she saw the, huge blue mark, that Jake did on my arm. - That’s it I’m going to put that ass hole in jail!

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to my mom. Me and my mom didn’t care much about saying that type of words with each other, I guess she forgot the boys were in the same room as we.

-Ok mom, we got the idea! – I said awkwardly to her. –He won’t do anything more to me. – Somehow I was thinking about what he said to me, and I confess it was scary, who know what might happen. I took that thought out of y mind....

-You don’t know Sharon. – Liam said coming to me and hugging. I let myself fall into his arms. – Thank god you feeling better cousin. – Harry, Niall and Lou joined us. Ending up hugging me. It was almost dinner time and after talking for a while my stomach made an noise… AGAIN!

-She’s hungry! – Zayn said, like he remembered again why we came downstairs

-No I’m not!

-Sharon!- My mom said. She knew me better than anyone, but Mr. Malik was knowing me too fast.

-Ok I am… but just a little bit! I hate you Zayn!- I stock out my tong to him.

-I love you too…- Everyone dropped their conversation to look at us, I could see them smiling, but didn't know why. Me and Zayn just stopped too and we’re looking into each one eyes. I felt awkwardly that that happen in front of my mom and a little embarrassed because of what he just said, but not in a bad way. I knew it was a joke but still.

 -Well… Let’s go eat. – Niall said breaking the silence and getting up. Expecting someone to move, I was too ecstatic to move.

-Oh yeah- Lou said to us smiling, he had a little evil smile on his lips. He got up and started to walk to the kitchen. –I’ll cook tonight.

-NOOOO! – Harry said shouting to him. Running after Lou

-No one is going to cook in my kitchen except me! – My mom said to them, the boys got up and ran after Louis.

-Mom, - I hold her by her arm. We were left alone in the sitting room. – Are we going to tell them?

- Tell me you. You want to tell them? – she said honestly to me. – I don’t know if I want to move so fast as it, after all what happen.

-C’mon mom. Look at them, - I pointed to the kitchen where I saw the guys making something. They had an enourmous smile on their face, they all looked happy. - I’m in good hands. – I didn’t want to stay with them but it was the only thing that came to my mind.

-Zayn is really being handful and caring wit…

-Mom, they all are. – I said to her not wanting to talk about Zayn to my mom.- Let’s go before they put your kitchen on fire! – We both laughed. We were walking to the kitchen when Harry came.

-Sorry my ladies, girls not allowed! – He made a cute smile, he actually looked like a cupcake, the directioner had right but don’t know why a cupcake may be because their cute or just because it reminds of a cupcake. In real life he seems more like a cupcake. 

-Why?- I asked, my mom sat down on the couch, and patted a spot next to her.

-Don’t burn the kitchen ok?- Harry nodded to her an “Yes!”

-Because man are at work!- He said proudly of himself.

-Seriously? Because I only see 5 boys not even close to MAN! – I said to him. This is another side of me, I play with everyone, joke with them.

-Shut up… - He said turning around and walking back to the kitchen, and thru' the glass door I saw them all running from one way to another.

-Mom, why is everyone shutting me up today?- I asked sitting next to her.

-Don’t know…  How you going to tell them?

-Just saying to them. Easy.

-Sharon, you know I won’t leave you here alone don’t you?

-Yeah mom I know….

- I’ll just ask them if you can stay with them.

- No! I can handle myself well…

-Sharon it’s for your own safety.

-I know mom, I know. – I let out a tear lately my life is being a roller coaster, friends who let you down, mom who’s going back to Portugal, the whole Jake thing and now…. There’s Zayn, who I can’t explain what it is, he just came from nowhere

My mom hugged me thigh.

-What’s going on darling?

-Everything mom, just everything… I just need a break of all it…

-I know, but your strong, I know it… - I didn't say nothing but my mom keept. - You like Zayn don't you?

-I really don't know mom, he just seem to came out of nowhere.... why did he came to the convo?! 

-I see in you...

- How that? - I said still in tears, my mom couldn't know or could she? "Hey! " what am I saying I'm not in to him...

-The  way you talk with him and look. You don't realise but well... Moms know everything.

-Where you and dad  like that? - I asked her, my dad splited from my mom when I was really young age 1 or 2. He said he didn't want to see my mom or me, anymore. I don't get sad of it I just keep picturing what if my dad would be here with us... 

-I guess we were sweetie, but hey you & Zayn are way cutter than we back then. I can see ..... - She didn't finish I guess mom's know a little more than we do. -...  No matter what, you need to be strong!

I cleaned my tears. What my mom said made sense, I was strong after all I went thru'. – Ok let’s see if their done with dinner… hope they didn’t burn the kitchen- I let out a laugh.

-Ok let’s go then… - My mom helped me to get up and kissed my forehead, we were walking to the kitchen my mom had me under her arm.

-Ladies let’s eat! – Niall came to us. Before we arrived.

When we walked in to the kitchen, we stopped and took a look at the table.

It was gorgeous, a white blanket and some candles were on it, and they looked at us and smiled. I took a quick look to the kitchen it was chaos! 

-Mom you know what just look to the table isn’t it lovely?-  Niall moved her seat so she could sit with the back to the kitchen.  There were two empty places one in front of Zayn and other next to  Liam, but my sweet, Niall,  just finished sitting there (next to Liam).

  Incredibly the food was amazing, I end up telling the whole Jake story, it made me feel good. In front of me there was a boy who wasn’t feeling right to talk about what happened earlier,  thru' his brown eyes I could see it, angry, his eyes were taken by it, and on those kissable lips, a fake smile took place of them.

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