Chapter 8: Maddie - Valerie

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  • Dedicated to Amal, who's just simply awesome.

Chapter 8: Maddie


    Slipping on my second black heel with difficulty, my outfit change was complete. I shoved my red knit jumper into my white faux skin bag, and then zipped my bag shut. Hearing a sudden 'squeak' sound, I realised I wasn't in the small, smelly, vandalised cubicle on my on. Peering down between my legs, I saw a tiny white rat scuffle underneath to the next cubicle.

    Why was I stupid enough to dress in the cubicle of 'Kiss Land'? I could have just gone home to change.

    Suddenly feeling claustrophobic, I slid the latch of the cubicle door, and let myself free from the putrid smells lingering inside the cubicle.

    After I came out of the cubicle, I went to wash my hands. Turning the little red knob on the faucet, I mentally prepared myself for the warmth of the water to engulf me. Instead, I was met by ice cold water trickling on my skin. Could this club get any worse?

    Shaking my hands dry, I absentmindedly looked up towards the slightly grimy mirror. Peering closer, I realised I looked... pretty. A word I wasn't very familiar with. Sexy, even. Slowly patting my hair at the roots, I stepped away from the mirror a little.

Great job, Maddie!

    Taking a deep breath, I slowly made my way towards the rest-room door. With all the courage I could muster, I pulled the door open.

    Timidly walking out, it felt like the whole club had began to function in slow motion. Even the music was slightly slurred. It felt as if everyone was staring at me, but it could have just been paranoia.

    Looking straight ahead, I saw Muhsinah and Kelly with the crew. I began walking towards them, when I spotted Abel. He was distracted, absentmindedly looking towards my dress. I used this opportunity to pretend I didn't see him, and kept on walking towards the crew. Once I got to the crew, we exchanged some friendly words, then I made my way towards the bar with Kelly and Muhsinah.

    At the bar, we were greeted by the bartender, a Brazilian looking woman; tanned skin, long curly brunette hair and eyes to match. Very curvacious.

    Very pretty indeed.

    "May we have a Hawaiian cocktail, please?" Kelly asked the bartender.

    "Sure. Three coming up," the bartender replied, "That will be $15.89"

     She then retrieved three small glass cups from underneath the bar, whilst Kelly got out the exact change. Putting some liquid and some ice in another container, she began to shake the container in her hand. After about 30 more seconds, she stopped the shaking and began to pour the pinky-orangey liquid in the three glass cups.

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