Chapter 14

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Luca pov

She fell into my arms looking lifeless but I didn't feel broken so she wasn't dead yet. "Luca you sure that was the best idea" Scarlet asked me but I growled at her she was acting like Rue was already dead. I picked Rue up and walked past them to the hospital wing and laid her down on the bed "Alpha what happened" the Doc came into the room and walked over to Rue I growled but I snapped out of it sure I wanted to protect her from any guy who came up to her but Doc was going to help her not take her away from me. "Um a bit her to turn her into a werewolf like us" Docs eyes widened as he took away his heart meter from her chest "You mean to tell me she isn't a werewolf" he looked up at me a bit mad but I didn't care at the moment "Yes ok I mated on her you know I can't help it no one can" he looked back down at Rue examining her making sure she was ok "Luca I know you or no one can help it but I fear she may not make it" I clutched my fist how could I let this happen I mean sure she wanted me to do it but I could have told her no, "Is there any way for us to save her" I tried to calm down but I was angry that I did this to her "She has to fight it off her self there's nothing we can do" I growled and ran out of the room before I would do something I would regret to Doc or to my self.

I walked outside and everyone came at me askingwhy I brought Rue here but I ignored them not wanting to talk. I turned wolfand ran trying to calm my self down before my inner wolf came out.I became very mean whenever HE came out I would kill anyone on site. Midnightsthe same way but she changed whenever hers came out, she would get blood redhighlights and get a red tint in her eyes, and her inner wolf wasalways out for blood but mine was there to protect me. The bad thing about myinner wolf was that I didn't change like everyone else just like eyes turned adeeper blue they glowed you could say. "Dude you killed your mate" I could hearhim talking but I didn't talk back trying to stay as calm as possible "Lucatalk to me I'm here to protect you and now I'm here to protect your mate" Istayed quite I didn't want to talk but I could feel him trying to take over butI didn't let him "Luke please just leave me be I'm not in a mood to talk" Ifelt something cold on my nose and looked up to see it was starting to snow."Luca please just tell me" I kept running in the snow it felt nice to feel thecold weather and the snow in my paws. The only bad thing about the snow was Iwas more noticeable cause my coat is black with a red tip on my tail and on theinside of my ears. "Listen Luke I just want to enjoy the snow while I'm stillalive and happy so please go away" I walked a bit slower I was beginning to gettiered I should turn back but I really didn't want to go back just yet with thepack still mad at me and they all still have questions that needed to beanswered. I came upon a tree with still a little bit of leaves left on itsbranches and decided to lay down for a bit before I passed out from to muchrunning plus my leg was killing me and I had no idea why. When I laid down Isaw my leg was cut deeply I guess I cut it on a rock or something while I wasrunning and didn't notice it but that also mean I left a blood trail to where Iam great. CRACK I stood up and growled sure I was injured but I wasstill going to fight no matter what "Aw the poor puppy got him self hurt" I gottheir scent it was a vampire and they're hungry you can tell in their voice theworst thing was I was bleeding and that more them more hungry I growled louderstanding my ground but it hurt to put weight on my leg. "Poor poor puppy yourstill trying to fight even though you know you can't win now that's funny" theystarted to laugh like they were crazy I only growled louder I really couldn'tmove so growling and barking was my only option till they got closer to me thenI could jump on top of them and bite them making him bleed out. "Todays must bea bad day for you cause I'm hungry and your bleeding" he started to walktowards me time to get ready "not to mention you all alone with nobody elsehere to protect you" he now stunk of beer he was drunk so that made him morevenerable I barked at him wanting to throw him off but nothing he must havebeen drunk before and fought after wards. "Damn right I've done this beforepuppy" he stopped a few feet away from me but how did he know what I wasthinking. "Really Luca even I could tell he was a mind reader by the ways he'sbeen acting" not a good time to hold him back now.

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