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"We have got to get her out of here, guys!" Ethan said. "She can't have our kid in a freaking abandoned house!"

"These guns don't work, so what the hell are we supposed to do?" Max freaked out.

"We got to get out of here. Ethan's right."

"We are getting out of here." Ed nodded to us, but didn't move, while I heaved in my breathing. "Come on, Ed." Harry said, grabbing him by his shirt, and dragging him out of the room. Before 3 seconds even passed, we heard screaming. I rolled my eyes, and the boys ran out into the hall while Max stayed with me. Another contraction came and I let out a scream.

"Guys! We need to get her to a hospital now!" Max yelled. I heard Sam trying to get the ghosts' attention, and a crash came after.

"Sam!" I yelled, ignoring the pain, I went into the hall to see Mordecai pinned my brother up against the wall, and he then told Harry and Ed to get out of there.

"Max get Katie out of here!" Ethan yelled. Max grabbed my arm, and I yelled and screamed.

"No! Ethan!!! I'm not leaving! Nooo!" I yelled, trying to get out of Maxine's grip. Ethan ran out, grabbed my face, and kissed me passionately, my eyes closed, and I kissed him back, my hands going to his hair. Then he broke it. I opened my eyes and I was outside the house, with Maxine. How the hell did we get out here?! I froze in confusion when Ethan wasn't even there.

"What the hell?!" I said, confused as fuck. I ran toward the door. Just as Ed and Harry ran out. I yelped as I felt a pain in my stomach. More contractions! Damn it!

"Guys!!" Max yelled, running forward to me as I almost fell. "She's having more contractions! We gotta go!" That's when the small house went up in flames, and the girl from the Motel popped out of fucking nowhere, and got me up.


The boys ran out and we ran off into the woods.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Maxine asked.

"I heard what you guys were saying, about a Tulpa... And then I saw that ..." She stuttered, looking at the house, and seeing Mordecai vanish. "...ghost." She finished.

"That's your solution?" Sam exclaimed, looking at the house. "Burn the whole damn place to the ground?"

"Well, no one will go in anymore." Ethan and Dean said, and I let out another scream, as I clutched my stomach.

"But, it really doesn't matter right now, we have to go." Ethan said, looking to me worriedly.

Both brothers nodded, and we went off toward the Impala quickly.

Driving to the hospital, I then went to the ER from there, and then prepared myself to giving birth.


*4 hours of Labor Later*

Sam and Dean were back from messing with Ed and Harry, and the baby was now coming and I'm absolutely terrified. What if I'm a horrible Mom? What if Ethan leaves me? What if something happens to the baby? What if I have twins? I can't take care of twins! We're always on the road, and one kid is enough.

I looked to Ethan and grabbed my hand. "Alright," The doctor said. "Get ready to push, Katherine."

I prepared myself for the pain that was going to come.

"Push! Push, Katherine!" The doctor said. I did so, and screamed out in pain when I did.

"FUUUCKKK!! ETHAN I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I screamed. Ethan looked at me amused, yet worried. Damn it!! It hurt so bad!!! "GOD DAMN IT!!" I pushed again as hard as I could, and the doctor told me one more try. I pushed again, and the doctor told me the baby was out. The doctor- who's a woman- told me the baby was a boy.

I smiled, and laughed in relief. Ethan let go of my hand and cut the umbilical cord. Then the nurse offered him the baby. He nodded, looking at the boy and smiling at him.

The nurse showed him how the hold the child and it was just the most precious moment in the world. Ethan handed me our son, and a nurse asked me his name. I looked to Ethan.

'I want either his first or middle name to be, Jason. What about you?' He thought to me.

'Harry. Harry Jason Adams.' I told him automatically.

He nodded, and told the nurse his name. She wrote it down, and nodded to us, smiling.

Suddenly, I felt a another contraction coming. I let out a piercing scream, and the baby in my arms began to cry, and the doctor peeked under the blanket. She looked back up, and told us something that would change our lives.

"There's another baby," The doctor said. I froze. No. No, no, no, no! I cannot be having twins!! I started hyperventilating. I handed the baby to Ethan and he handed Harry to another nurse so she could go clean him up. "Alright Katherine, you're gonna have to push again, honey."

I screamed pushing again, and I could feel a hand slip into mine, and I looked expecting to see Ethan, but it wasn't. It was that blonde girl from earlier. Confused, I shook it off and concentrated on pushing. I pushed again. And again, finally, the child came out. I leaned back and the girl let go of my hand. I looked to her. "What's your name?"

"Paisley." She smiled. I nodded.

"Thanks, Paisley."

"It's a girl." I heard the doctor say. I looked at the baby girl to see she had my brothers' green eyes. I laughed, and stuck out my arms, wanting to hold the child.

"What's her name?" The doctor asked.

I looked around the room for Ethan, and found him to the right of me while Paisley was on my left... Or was? I looked again to where the girl was, but she was gone... Just gone. I shook it off, and looked to Ethan.

'You pick her name.' He thought.

I looked down in the babies eyes, and felt a tear fall. She was so tiny compared to her brother. "Narnia Lux-"

"Winchester." Ethan finished. I nodded at the nurse.

"We want each of our kids to have our last name, and the hyphen takes too long." I explained, to the doctor. She nodded, and told me she would take the baby so she could clean her up. I handed her the child, and as soon as she left, I turned to Ethan.

"We can't take care of twins Ethan!" I exclaimed. "With what we do for a living, and us being on the road all the time, how are we going to-" I started rambling, but he cut me off.

"I'll take one of the kids." He said. Then I understood.

'But, how can we just separate our kids like that?' I thought to him.

"We'll tell them about the other, and about the other parent... Which kid do you want?" Ethan asked hesitantly.

"Narnia. You can take Harry.." I tried my hardest not to start crying. "Are you sure you do this? Are you sure you can take care of him?"

"I don't know, Katherine.. Don't you think we can just settle down?" Ethan asked. And then I really thought about it. Can I actually just settle down with him, leave my brothers behind?

"I don't know. I think we just need to think about this a little more first." I said, just as the nurses came back in with our twins.

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