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Katherine's P.O.V.
As I was walking down a road I could hear a familiar engine of a car.
"Shit..." I mumbled under my breath. I turned to see, Dean's car coming up behind me.
It stopped and it turned to keep walking.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Someone yelled after me as I heard running footsteps coming up to me.
"Get away from me, Dean." I said. I felt hands grab my shoulders and turn me around.
"Hell to the no. Tell me what happened! What did Sam do?" Dean demanded. I looked down at the dirt covered ground. I didn't want to meet his eyes because of my tears that were flowing like a damn river down my cheeks.
I DON'T ever cry in front if the boys... EVER.
He instantly pulled me into a hug and stood there as I cried into his chest.
Finally after awhile I told Dean what happened between Sam and I.
Let me tell you he was pissed.
"Why in the hell would he say that? To you?!" He exclaimed.
I shook my head and shrugged.
"We are gonna kick his ass!" He the decided, dragging me to the car. I tried to fight back and make a run for it, but he stopped and just put me on his shoulder and kept on walking.
"Put me the fuck down, Dean! Now!!" I yelled at him, hitting his back.
"No, you're gonna talk to Sammy wealthier you like it or not." Dean said. I gave up and we got into the car and he brought me into the motel.
"Shit..." I moaned. I really didn't want to be in this room.
Sam looked up from the floor and stopped pacing.
"Sam, why did you say that to her? What the hell man!?" Dean yelled at Sam.
"It's our problem Dean, not her's! She doesn't need to be involved with this!" Sam shot back.
"Hell it isn't! She is involved with this! She is our sister, she has been here since the start of all this! Don't say she isn't involved, Sam!" Dean yelled. I covered my ears, believe it or not, Dean yells very loudly.
"That's it!" I screamed unplugging my ears. "I'm going to an old friends, I'll steal a car. I leaving." I quickly grabbed my stuff and left the motel.
Guess I'm going to Bobby's...

Dean's P.O.V.
Where the hell is she going?
She slammed the door and I turned back to Sam who looked ashamed.
"You know you should feel bad, why Sam, why would you say that? And to her? Our sister?" I questioned.
"It's about our old house Dean, I had a vision. And there was a woman inside, screaming for help. I wanted to talk to you before her, it's our problem, Dean." Sam explained.
"That gave you no right to say that shit to her Sam!" I said, angrily. "Now, we won't know if she'll call back, or hell if she if comes back! If she really is Dad's kid, she'll disappear, just like him! What the hell are we supposed to tell dad? 'Oh sorry we lost your one and only daughter'?"
I growled.
Getting to Bobby's
Katherine P.O.V.
"Hey Bobby!" I called, banging on his screen door. Bobby came out, old as ever, with his small beard and baseball cap.
"Kathy?" Bobby asked.
"Hell yeah, baby. I'm back. Did ya miss me?" I asked sweetly.
"Yeah, ya idgit." He chuckled, and pulled out a silver knife and handed it to me. I cut my arm and he gave me some holy water. I drank it and he let me in.
"So, Bobby... Why the hell didn't you tell me, Sam and Dean Winchester were my brothers?"
"Shit..." He trailed off. "Well, for one you daddy told me not to. Two I trust yo' daddy's judgement... By the way, sorry about Elizabeth."
"It's alright Bobby... Although... I was wondering... How is Alyssa?" I asked, cautiously. "She's good, calls me every day, even got a tattoo for possession..." He informed me. "And she told me you was with Sam and Dean, why the hell aren't you right now?"
"Shit. Well... Sam... Sam has this power... And I have it too... Well I have more than one, but besides the point. Anyway he had a vision, and... I tried to get him to talk to me about it, and he told me it was between him and Dean, and it kinda went down hill from there." I said. He looked confused and worried. I read his mind, and gasped.
"Bobby! I'm not crazy!" I exclaimed. "Wow, you are physic." He laughed and I cracked a smile.
"Anyway I got a job for you." He said.

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