Katherine Had A Vision?

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I got up and quickly grabbed an out outfit, the boys weren't up yet, so I went outside.
It was around 6 a.m. And I'm wide awake. I have no idea why though...
Just as I passed an ally way, I felt a hand grab my wrist and the other cover my mouth.
"Let go!" I tried to scream, but their hand on my wrist, traveled to around my waist and dragged me into the ally.
I started to kick like crazy, my foot hitting the guy in the crotch, he groaned and doubled over.
I tried to run, but felt a sharp and sudden pain on the back out my head and blacked out.

I shot up in the crappy motel bed and looked around, I was next to Dean, and Sam was in the other bed, he was sitting up in bed too.
"You okay?" I croaked, he was started, but relaxed once he saw it was me.
"Yeah... You?" He asked, I shook my head. He then motioned for me to come over.
I crawled out of Dean's bed and went over to Sam's.
"Tell me what happened." He encouraged. I told him my dream, and he listened. He was always the sensitive one of the two boys. Yes, Dean can defeat monsters and demons, but one thing he could never do, is comfort someone.
"Sam, what's wrong with me?" I asked.
"Nothing is wrong with you, you're just-" I interrupted him.
"I'm just special? Sammy I'm scared, what if there is seriously something wrong with me, and I'm slowly going crazy?" He took my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. I could feel tears roll down my face.
'It felt so real...' I thought to him. I could feel his sadness for me, an worry?
"Why are you worried?" I asked.
"I think you had a vision... But you never had one before, so we have no idea when it's supposed to happen." Sam said worried.
'Shit...' I thought.
"Come one do you think you can go back to sleep?" He asked, suddenly I knew why he was up. He had another fucking vision?!?!
"You had a vision?!" I whisper shouted at him.
"Shh!" He told me, looking at Dean. "How'd you- oh... Right."
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ordered.
"Cuz I didn't want to worry you. And... It's between me and Dean." 
"What's is between you and Dean? He doesn't even know yet!"
"It has to do with our past not yours!" He argued. I froze. A lot of things are to do with their past... Never mine.
"Fine... I'm leaving, sinse I guess everything has to do with your guys' past. Now if you'll excuse me, I got to get going so you guys can do 'work'. Without me around." I said angrily.
I grabbed my duffel bag and left the room, going into the night, leaving a disappointed Sam and a waking up Dean.

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