Where to?

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Sam's P.O.V.

"Sam? Sammy!? Wake up!" I hear someone call as of they were calling from far away, Dean?

"Dean- get off." I said. I looked around the room to see Katherine on Dean's bed, unconscious. The only thing I could think of was- Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit! What the hell happened?!

"Owe! Sammy, you yelling too loudly!!!" I heard Katherine moan.

"What the hell are you talking about? Sam hasn't said a word." Dean said, rather concerned that she was hearing voices. She held either side of her face, worried. I was so confused, did she hear me thinking? Oh crap... That's why that demon wanted her more than me. Did she have more than 1 power?

"That's impossible Sam..." Kath mumbled. Both our eyes widened. "Okay, how about this- let's go do a hunt before we deal with our powers and let's find dad. Okay?" Both Dean and I nodded our heads.

"Alright so we were headed to Jericho, California that is where dad was at last time we talked and where ha was hunting something." Dean confirmed.

"Okay let me change and shower and we can go." She said. 10 minutes later she was ready to go, we all grabbed our stuff and got in the car.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 month later

Katherine's P.O.V.

"Owe! God damn it! Dean that hurt!" I yelled. After that stupid Wendigo had scratched me, I had three deep cuts on my arm. And Dean is in the backseat with me trying to sew it up.

"Where are we going, Sam?" I asked while bitting my knuckles so I don't scream at Dean. I need to talk about something else to take my mind off the pain.

"Wisconsin. Why?"

"I was just wondering where the next hunt was. Ah! Damn it, my head!" I said.

"What's wrong with your head?" Sam looked at me with concern, turning to look at me quickly before once again keeping his eyes on the road. But as quickly as it came- the pain was gone.

"Nothing, just a quick migraine. What's up with Wisconsin?" I said.

"Oh- multiple drownings in a lake and the body's were never discovered." Sam said pulling a newspaper. "The most recent was... Sophie Carlton. So, we were going to check it out." Dean finally finished sowing my arm up, and we pull into a coffee shop. I grabbed some clothes and went to that bathroom to change.

When I came out, Dean was flirting with a girl. I rolled my eyes and came up behind him, I smacked him in the back of the head as the waitress left. He turned to me.

"Owe... You know for a girl, you hit hard." He said.

"Good, I learned from the best." I said, smirking.

Dean looked at me, rather cocky. "Let me guess- from me?"

"No. Dad." I laughed, rolling my eyes and Sam came and sat beside Dean to his right while I sat on Dean's left.

"Can you get us the check, please?" Sam asked.

"Sure." The waitress said, turning half way around to see Sam. Dean lowered his head, looking defeated.

"You know Sam, we are allowed to have have fun once and a while." He glanced at the waitress. "That's fun." I smaked him in the back of the head. Again. This gets fun after a while. Sam smirked at me and I winked in return. It then became quiet.

"So... Where at in Wisconsin?" I asked.

"Uh... Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin. It's a small town. That had a funeral for the girl two days ago." Dean said.

"A funeral?" Sam said.

"Yeah they buried an empty coffin for closure or whatever." Dean replied.

"What closure? People don't just disappear Dean, people just stop looking." Sam asked. Great- another argument.

'Sam, shut up,' I sent him, yeah my powers have grown, I can send other people thoughts now, plus we have confirmed that I can read minds.

"Something you wanna say something to me?" Dean asked.

"No Katherine I won't. The trail for Dad- it's getting colder every day." Sam said, looking at me pointedly before looking to Dean once again.

"Exactly, so what are we supposed to do?" Dean asked, leaning on his hand sarcastically.

"I don't know. Something. Anything." Sam said, truly exasperated.

"You know what? I'm sick of this attitude." Dean growling at the younger of the two.

I had enough. Getting up off my chair and got behind them both, standing between the boys. And before either one could say anything, I hit them both in the back of the head.

"Look Sam, we haven't given up on Dad, okay? Don't you think we want to find Dad as much as you? Dean, shut your fat mouth. I'm sick and tired of you guys fighting all the time!"

"Katie stay out of this, I'm the one who's been with Dad, every single day, for the past two years, while Sam has been off to college, going to pep rallies-"

"And where have I been Dean? Huh? Oh that's right, I wasn't with you, or Dad. Past two years, Dad only sent me cards or letters or called me because he was with you." I said, studying my oldest brother who looked down, feeling rather ashamed, I then looked to Sam. "You know Sam, we haven't stopped trying to look for Dad. We are just helping people who need it. So until we do find him, we're gonna kill everything bad, between here and there, okay?" Sam nods, looking as if he just got heavily scolded. I mean, he did, but he didn't have to act like I just kicked his puppy. "So, both of you shut up. And I am in this Dean, I am involved in this." I said, I then grabbed my bag, chugged the rest of my coffee, and went to wait in the car.

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