Sam and Dean

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"Um... Guys, where are we going?" I asked, I think for the thirteenth time.

"You're about as patient as Dean." Sam laughed.

"Kat.. Did Dad tell you- everything?" Dean questioned, his eye brows scrunching together in worry and wonder.

"Like?" I said.

"The monsters, ghosts, demons- all that shebang." Dean said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, Dean. I've taken down some things myself. Believe it or not- it's up to you."
I laid back against the seat and looked at them both, and started fiddling with my clothes, I'm still in the ones from yesterday, so I'm gonna have to go shopping soon, since I have no clean clothes.

We pull into a motel and park the car. The boys get out of the car, and I follow. We checked into a room, with two beds, using cash. When we got settled in the room, I went up to Dean.

"I need your keys." I said.

"Uh- hell no! Wait, why?" He questioned, curious. I rolled my eyes.

"One, I need to go shopping, since I left my clothes at home. Two, I'll fill up your gas tank." I said, offering.

"Sam... Give her one of your shirts." Dean said, looking at my other brother.

"What? Why my shirt?"

"Because, I'm still older than the both of you. Plus, if I gave her one of mine, it would be short and wouldn't be that long on her."

I rolled my eyes at his logic, as did Sam. I walked over to his bed as he gave me one of his shirts, I know what Dean means now- Sam's shirts were huge on me. I held it up, knowing it was going to be like a dress.

"Thanks, Sammy." I said, and walked into the bathroom to change. I got out and Sam was waiting by the door.

"Where you planning on being a lawyer Sam?" I asked, looking down at the shirt to see "Stanford University" which was highly known for its law course.

"Yeah... But then Dad went missing and-" he stopped. Looked to me with his big, round, eyes, filled with sadness, not finishing his sentence, and entered the bathroom, closing the door. I didn't want to push him so I walked to my bag and put my clothes in there. My laptop, my favorite book, deodorant, girl stuff, the money my dad gave me, and a leather book which I had grabbed from his car when I abandoned it.

"Hey, Dean," I said, grabbing the book and taking it out of my bag, "isn't this-" Dean saw what I was holding and ran over to me, almost stepping on my bare toes. I shrieked, stepping back.

"That's Dad's journal, where did you get that?" He asked, snatching it from my hand.
"I found it in my bag... I got it from his car, I took everything from in there."

"Sam!" Dean called. Sam came out with no shirt, and a confused look on his face.


"Our little Kit Kat found it." Dean said, showing Sammy the book. Sam kind of froze in place.

"Kit Kat?" I questioned, my eyebrow raising.

"Yeah... it's your official nickname for me." he said, I shook my head, but laughed anyway.

"Okay- but what is it?" I asked.

"It's Dad's journal. It's has everything about what we hunt," Sammy answered, stunned. No way! I never got to even touch Dad's book, he would never let me, I thought.

My phone started ringing. I started to pick it up, but Sam grabbed my arm to stop me. I look at him bewildered. I used my other hand, and picked it up, seeing it was my roommate, Alyssa. "Shit." I murmured, and answered the phone.

"Hey.. Lyssa... Look-" she interrupted, screaming.

"Katherine?!" she yelled.

"Lyssa- what the hell is going on?" I asked worried.

"Oh my god..." she screams again.

"Alyssa!" I yell. The boys looked at me, worried and confused.

"Katherine... That's a pretty name..." a different voice said, I put the phone on speaker.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that. But, I'm sure your brothers know all about me. I killed their mommy and Sam's girlfriend. Isn't that right Sammy?" The man said, I thought my heart stopped. I looked up to Sam. He looked pissed, what the hell is going on?

"Leave my friend alone, you bastard." I sneered.

"What's the fun in that?" He asked. I could hear Alyssa choke and gasp for air.

"What do you want?" I asked quickly, hoping to save my friend from any pain.

"You. And Sam." I froze. I swear I stopped breathing.

"Why me? Why Sam?"

"You and your brother have something I want."

"And that is?"

"Your powers of course." I was beyond confused.

"Powers? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Ask Sam. I know he can hear me too." I looked up to him. I began to shake my head. He looked confused.

"He has no idea what you're talking about, just let Alyssa go. She didn't do anything."

"Fine." He snarled. I heard her gasp for air.

"Hand her the phone," I demanded.

"Katherine?" She asked.

"Lyssa- run. Run as far as you can- take the car, the cash we saved up, and some clothes. Then go to you-know-where. Okay?" When Alyssa and I first became friends, I was honest with her, and told her the secret. She was the only person I ever told because she was my best friend. My only friend. So, I had to protect her. I came up with a plan so that if she ever came across danger, she could hide away somewhere.

"Okay- but where are you?" She begged me, and I could hear her sniffle loudly. She had been crying.

"I'm fine. I'm with my brothers, now go-RUN!" I yelled at her. I heard a door close then rummaging, as if someone was looking for something, and then a door open and close again.

"He wants you Katherine. Goodbye."

"Bye." I heard someone move the phone and then walking down steps. Finally it was quiet for a long time.

"Katherine... Hand the phone to Sam." I turned off speaker and gave my phone to him. And he took it, eagerly. I didn't pay attention, I went outside and slid down a wall, and broke. I broke down.

What could that stupid demon... then it came to me- I knew what my powers were... I could control and see other peoples feelings. Like inside, I knew Sam had no idea what the man was talking about- our powers.

But what is Sam's power?

I went inside to find my phone on the bed, and Sam at the table with Dean.

"What's yours?" I questioned making them turn.

"My what?" Sam asked, obviously lying.

"Don't play dumb Sam, I know when you lie. I figured it out- that's my power, to control and see other people's feelings. So.. what's your power?"

"I get visions, painful ones, of people dying." he said, sighing sadly. I wanted to calm him down. Just as I thought this, his face expression softened. He looked up at me. "No fair," he said with a smile, and I try to hold back my laugh, as he comes near me. I start to back up and turn around to get away but- he grabbed me around me waist, with a devious smile playing on his lips. Oh shit- he was gonna-

He started to tickle me.

"No, Sammy stop!" I gasped through my laughing fit. "Dean, help- ahh!" I said laughing again. He suddenly stopped and dropped to the floor. I could feel his pain. I yelped out in pain, my head felt like it was splitting in half.

"Sam? Katherine? What's wrong?" Dean asked, coming towards us, from across the room. I started screaming- not like bloody murder screaming- screaming like you're in pain. "Katherine! Look at me, what's wrong?"

"Pain!" I yelled- before blacking out into the world of darkness...

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