The House and Mary

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Missouri had taken us back to her place and got out roots, powder, and unknown stuff, that even I didn't know what. Dean sat at the table, Sam standing behind a chair, and I was helping Missouri grabbing the stuff she needed from a cabinet.
"So, what is this stuff anyway?" Dean asked Missouri.
"Angelica root, Van Van oil, Crossroad dirt, a few odds and ends."
"What are we supposed to do with it?" Dean asked.
"We're gonna put them inside the walls in the north, south, east, and west corners on each floor of the house." said Missouri as she sat down and I sat in the seat in front of Sam.
"Punching holes in the drywall- Jenny's gonna love that." Dean said sarcastically.
"She'll live," Missouri said, not liking the tone of his voice. I know I don't either.
"And this will destroy the spirits?" Sam asked, respectfully.
"It should," I said, looking up, the faces around the room looked shocked. "What? You know, I'm more like Sam when it comes to school and books. I just don't like new schools..... I was always picked on." I said- the last part softly.
"Anyway- it should purify the house completely," said Missouri, "We'll each take a floor, but we work fast. Once the spirits realize what we're up to, things are gonna get bad."

At Jenny's House

Missouri came back in after escorting Jenny and the kids out. We each grabbed a tool and Sam and I went upstairs. Since our fight,  Dean wants us to spend time together.
I think it's working.
Sam and I went into some room. I think it's a guest bedroom or something like that. Sam took the hammer and tapped the wall trying to find a hollow part, so it won't take so much effort to put the hole in the wall.

Third person -changing it up a bit-

Katherine watches her brother work on the wall, but what she doesn't know, is the poltergeist already knows what's going on. It uses it's 'Ghost Powers' and pulls the plug from a lamp and slithers it towards Sam.
Downstairs in the kitchen, the poltergeist opens the drawer of knifes as Dean puts a hole in the wall.
Finally, in the basement, Missouri looks for a place to put the bag, since the whole basement is made of cement, when she finds a couple boards laying in the corner. Missouri places the bag in there and turns when she hears a noise. A desk shot across and pinned Mosley to the wall.
Back in the kitchen, the spirit throws a knife at Dean and barely misses. He ducks and grabs the table and flips it to its side. As more knifes shot at him, they pierced the through the table.
Upstairs the lamp falls to the ground and Katherine turns, when the cord wraps it around Sam's neck automatically choking him. "SAMMY!" Katherine yelled, out of horror. She bent down to her brother to help get the cord off his neck, but was stopped when, she was yanked away from his body by her legs. She screamed as the Poltergeist dragged her up into the air and pinned her to the ceiling.
Sam made a grab for the small bag and tried to reach, but it was no use, the cord pulled tighter on his throat, and Katherine screamed for Dean as she saw her brother's eyes closing.
Dean suddenly barged into the room, Katherine mustn't have noticed, but her arms had been beginning to bleed, like they were being scratched. Hard too.
Dean pulled on the cord that was wrapped around his neck. No use. Dean pulled as hard as he could. It wouldn't work.
"The bag Dean! Put the bag in the wall!!" Katherine yelled. Dean did as told and grabbed the little bag, kicked the wall and threw the bag in the hole.
A bright light fills the room and Katherine falls from the ceiling to the guest bed. Katherine screams as she falls, fearing she was going to hit the floor. Dean get the cord from around Sam's neck and hugs his brother but they both stop when, Katherine hits her head on the board, and a scream fills the whole house. They both look to her, but she's knocked out cold.
Dean decides to carry her down stairs to Missouri, and see if she can do anything.
Sam had helped Missouri since she was pinned to the wall in the basement. And brought her upstairs to the boys' injured sister.
Missouri and Sam find Dean cleaning Katie's wounds on her arms and Missouri gets water, and washes the wound on he temple since it had started to bleed as well.

Sam's P.O.V.

Katherine... She could have died just like Jessica.
Just like her.
And I couldn't save her or Jessica.
Dean and I looked around the house as Katie woke up. Missouri watched her intensely, like they were having their own little conversation in their minds.
"You sure this is over?" I asked, looking to Missouri, and interrupting their starring.
"I'm sure. Why? Why do you ask?" Missouri responds.
I just felt uneasy, like this wasn't over yet. I don't know... "No. Never mind." I told her. "It's nothing. I guess."
Dean looked at me weirdly, but Katherine looked like she didn't trust this house. The feeling I had. Uneasiness.
Suddenly the light came on from the hall.
"Hello?" Jenny's voice called. "We're home. What-" She stopped mid-sentence, coming into the room, looking at mess of the kitchen. "What happened?"
"Hi. Sorry. Um, we'll- we'll pay for all of this." I stuttered, nervous and embarrassed. Dean gave me a sideways look, saying, 'We are?'
"Don't you worry. Dean's gonna clean up this mess." Missouri said. Dean gave her a look that said, 'I am?' Jenny looked to him, apologetically. Missouri turned, looking at him. "Well, what are you waiting for boy? Get the mop." Dean looked seriously pissed, but I was enjoying EVERY second of this. "And don't cuss at me." Missouri said, reading his mind.
I covered my mouth to hold in a laugh and looked to see Katherine doing the same.

(After Dean cleaned the mess) Katherine's P.O.V.

Sam, Dean, and I were all sitting in the Impala. I had a really bad feeling about leaving the family, by themselves without absolutely knowing they're okay.
I was really impatient though because I was so tired. I know Sam has the same weird feeling as me. I know it... I kinda read his mind.
Jenny had just turned her light out, when the boys started talking.
"So, tell me again- what are we still doing here?" Dean asked us.
"I don't know, I-I just- I still have a bad feeling." Sam responded, watching the house.
"Why? Missouri did her whole Zelda Rubenstein thing. The house should be clean this should be over."
"Yeah, well probably, but I just want to make sure. That's all." Sam said. I then decided now was a good time to butt in.
"Have a feeling too Dean, just shut up." I said.
Dean sighs. "The problem is I could be sleeping in a bed right now." I shake my head and look at the house, when I see something in the window. I gasp.
"Jenny!" I said, and got out of the car quickly. Sam and Dean close behind.
"You guys grab the kids I'll take Jenny!" Dean yells. I nod and go to the little girl's room. Sari. I go in to find a ghost on fire advancing towards Sari.
"Get away!" I yell and run to Sari's bedside. "Sari! Come on!" I say, holding my arms out. The spirit comes closer to me. "Sam!" I yell, terrified. Fire... It's how my mom died... Only months ago. What I saw...
Sam comes in the room, and I snap into reality as Sari- literally jumps into my arms. "Don't look at it, Sari. Don't look." I whisper in her ear. I feel hot tears on my shoulder and carry her down the stairs, behind Sam.
Suddenly I stop.
Mary... Sam's mom. That's who it is.
I look to Sam. I think he knows it too. I put Sari down and look at her. Sam follows suit.
"Sari, get your brother out of here." I say as I feel something grab me. "Now!" I yell before Sam and I are dragged away, and I hear Sari scream. I was thrown towards the cabinets, and they broke against my weight.
I groaned and tried to get up, but something lifted me into the air and I was pinned against the DAMN CEILING!... AGAIN!!!!
I looked down at my brother, he was pinned to a banister.
I felt my self loosen and my body falls to the ground. Pain shoots through my body, and I couldn't get up. It hurt too much.
But as I heard Dean calling for us, I was thrown to a wall. I screamed in pain as a hot iron pain went across my stomach and arms. I looked down to see 4 scratches going down each arm, but not to bad to leave scars, and 3 going across my stomach.
I heard Dean come into the room, as I felt heat getting closer.
Dean pointed a gun at the fire spirit. "No don't! Don't!" Sam said, loudly.
"What why?" Dean asks.
"Because I know who it is. I can see her now." Sam said, in a low voice.
The flames disappeared off the ghost, and a beautiful, long blonde, haired woman, stood there. In a nightgown.
This is Mary Winchester.... Well this isn't weird. At all.
Sarcasm there.
Dean put his gun down, and I whimpered as I moved my arm, struggling against the poltergeist.
"Mom." Dean said.
"Dean." She said, smiling, then looked to Sammy. "Sam. I'm sorry."
"F-For what?" he asked
She didn't respond. Just looked, and advanced me.
"Watch out for them. Please." I nodded, looking at her. Tears overflowed.
"Always." She turned looking at the ceiling.
"You, get out of my house. And let go of my kids." She said.
Tears ran down my cheeks.
She called me her kid.
She burst into flames and, they covered the ceiling. Destroying herself and the poltergeist.
Sam and I fell to the floor, but he regained his balance, and I just starred ahead.
Not saying a word.
Just crying.
"Now it's over." Sam spoke.

End of the chapter! :)

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