Asylum #2

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A/N: So in case you haven't noticed I'm going to start trying to do the whole episode!! :)

"Gavin!" Sam yells, down the halls. "Gavin!!" I yell. Kat and Dean had decided to go together, and Sam and I went together. I wish these two hadn't come in here, that way we could do our job, and get out of this hell hole. I fucking hate Asylums. (And clowns, but let's not discuss that...)
I looked to Sam. "Okay, there's something I haven't told you guys.." I said.
"Really? So, more secrets right Katherine?" Sam asked. I looked at the ground. "No. I- I'm afraid of asylums... That's why I froze up. I hate being in here period.... You know, I'm sick of you making assumptions. I only told you, because I know you wouldn't make fun of me for it. Dean would, 'cuz he's Dean, and Dean's an ass." I ranted. "I'm sorr-" 
"Don't Sam." I said, and turned down the hall.
We then suddenly came to the end of the hall and turned to the right. I looked around the room to see a boy on the floor.
"Gavin?" I asked. "Hey, Gavin." Sam said, shaking Gavin's shoulder. Gavin came to, and gasped sitting up. "It's okay. It's okay. We're here to help."
"Who are you?" Gavin asked us.
"My name is Sam, and this is my little sister, Hope." I smiled as he still called me his little sister. I'm also guessing we didn't want the kid to get names mixed up. "We found your girlfriend." I said.
"Kat? Is she alright?"
"She's worried about you. Hope. Go on ahead and find Kat and Dean." Sam said. I nodded scared, but went anyway.
I finally found them in a trashed hallway. And ran up to them. "Hey, we found-" I felt something grab my arm, and I was dragged into a room, the door closing behind me.
"Kathy!" I heard Dean yell.
I banged on the door. "Dean!!" I cried. "Get me out!!"
"Hold on!" Dean yelled, I tried breathing correctly. I was in a small room, and panicking. This isn't good.
I backed up, as I heard, something banging on the door, trying to pry it open. I thought I heard something behind me, and turned there was noting there.
I turned around slowly, when I felt breathing down my back. A man stood there. I let out a scream. I turned and he was there again. Screaming, I went towards the door. "What's going on?" I heard Sam say. "Kathy's in there with one of 'em."
"Sammy! Help!" I cried.
"Hope! It's not gonna hurt you!" Sam said.
"Like hell it's not!" I yelled back. I ran across the room as he got closer.
"You have to face it. You have to calm down." Sam yelled.
"She's got to what?" Dean asked.
"WHAT?!" I yelled. "I don't think it fucking helps I'm afraid of the whole damn place, Sam!!"
"These spirits, they're not trying to hurt us, they're trying to communicate. You gotta face it." Sam told me. I curled in a ball on the floor.
"YOU FUCKING FACE IT!" I yelled at him. No. Not gonna happen. 
"No, it's the only way you're gonna get out of there." Sam encouraged. I groaned. You have got to be kidding!
"NO!" I decided. This dude a psychopath. He is not allowed to touch me.
"Look at it, Kathy. That's all. Come on you can do it." I breathed in deeply, and looked up. He bent down, and whispered in my ear, "137." I nodded, and the door unlocked. I sat in the same position. I didn't move. "Hope? Kathy?" Dean asked. I looked at him.
"137." I repeated. "What?"
"The man whispered in my ear,'137'" I told him.
"Room number." The boys both said. I nodded. Called it! The boys bent down, getting their stuff together. I bent down to hear the conversation.
"Alright. So if these spirits aren't trying to hurt anyone-" Sam starts, and Dean finishes his sentence. "Then what are they trying to do?"
"Maybe that's what they've been trying to tell us." I said, agreeing with Sam. "I guess we'll find out." Dean said. "All right." Dean said, zipping up his bag. "So, now, you guys ready to leave this place?"
"That's an understatement." Kat said.
"Okay, you get them out of here." Dean, said, pointing to Sam. Pointing to me, he said, "You're gonna come with me, don't need you to have a panic attack in here." That caused me to slap him. Hard. Dean scrunched his nose in pain. "We're gonna go find room 137." I hugged Sam, and followed Dean, who was smirking. "You know for that comment, you're giving me a piggy back ride." I said. The smirk on his face automatically wiped away. I laughed, I took his bag, then jumped on his back.
"So, why exactly are you afraid of asylums?" Dean asked. I licked my lips before answering. "I had a boyfriend. Jason. Us, and a couple of his friends were in an asylum, and a lot like this, Jason got possessed or something, and started shooting at his friends and I, then killed himself..." I told him. "I'm always scared it's gonna happen again. I told my mom, and we left immediately."
"I'm sorry, Kathy." Dean said. I just nodded.
We found the room, and Dean put me down, and shoved on the door a couple times before it budged open. We then went in, and found the room. It was trashed. What are we even supposed to be looking for? I looked through a filing cabinet, for anything interesting. Nothing... This is gonna take a while...
I look around, pointing the flashlight around the room. Dean pulled out the trash.. Nothing. I started looking through a desk, but stopped when Dean called me over. I looked to see him pull off false bottom, to find a suitcase in there. There has got to be something in there. The man wouldn't hide a suitcase in there if it wasn't important. "This is why I get paid the big bucks." Dean mumbled, and I rolled my eyes. "We don't get paid any bucks." I said.
He ignored me and opened the book, seeing the title. 'Patient's Journal.'
"Patients Journal?" I asked. What could be in here? Dean flipped the page and it of tools. Saws, pliers. What the hell? Dean and I pulled up chairs, and began reading. This stuff is just gory, and gross.. "All work and no play makes Dr. Ellicott a very dull boy."
We kept flipping through pages. Sam should be here by now. Right?

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