Daddy? Where Are You?!

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Outfit later ^ --->>

Last time on Supernatural...
I could hear Dean's phone ringing and it was really getting on my nerves. "Will one of you answer the damn phone?" I groaned. No answer. I growled, and sat up. Grabbing the phone, I flipped it open.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Katherine?" I heard a man's voice ask. I sat up. I knew that voice anywhere. It was the same voice we've been looking for, for 6 damn months. It was the same voice who called for me in the street. It was the same voice to told me go find these boys. John Winchester. My father.
"Daddy?" I asked, now wide awake.

"Are you hurt?" I asked. "I'm fine." He responded.
"We've been looking for you everywhere." I cried, "We didn't know where you were, if you were okay." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
"Baby, I'm alright. What about you and the boys? They taking care of you?"
"Well, we're fine. Yeah. They're protecting me. We may have gotten in a few fights, but we're alright... Daddy where are you?" Dean shifted beside me, and I looked to see Sam sit up.
"Sorry, kiddo, I can't tell you that." Dad said, solemnly. Tears pricked my eyes.
"What? Why not?" I cried. Another tear fell.
"Is that Dad?" Dean asked. I ignored him.
"Look, I know this is hard for you to understand, sweetheart. You're gonna have to trust me on this." I thought hard about it. I trust him. I do.
"You're after it, aren't you? The thing that killed them?"
"Yeah, it's a demon, Hope." I smiled, as he called me Hope.
"Wait, a demon?" I asked. My mom couldn't handle a demon? "You sure? Because my mom could handle a demon." 
"A demon? What's he sayin'?" 
"I'm sure. Listen, baby, I uh... I'm sorry about your mom. Tell that to Sam too about his girlfriend. I wish I could have protected you from that."
"Did you even love my mom? Or was it just a accident?" I asked, my eyes burning with tears. It was quiet.
"It was an accident." Before I could say anything, he continued. "But that accident brought me you. My sweet baby girl. I loved your mom. She was a childhood friend, but what happened was an accident, but it still brought me you, so I'm happy with that." I smiled.
"Do you know where it is?" I ask about the demon.
"Yeah, I think I'm finally closing in on it."
"Let us help."
"You can't be any part of it."
"What if I already am?" I asked.
"Then don't get more involved." He said. I nodded. He's right.
"Give me the phone, Hope." Dean said, sticking out his hand.
"Baby, you guys need to stop looking for me. I need you to write down these names." He told me.
"Names?" I asked, confused. "Talk to me, tell me what is going on. I know you were there. In Kansas. I know you were."
"We don't have time for this." Dad said, sternly. Sam snatched the phone from me.
"Dad? What's going on? Tell us what is going on." I rolled my eyes, rolled out of bed, and grabbed paper and pen.
"No. All right? No way." I heard Sam say.
"Give me the phone, Sam." Dean ordered. Sam listened for a minute, then got irritated, and Dean snatched the phone from him. "Dad, it's me. Where are you?" Dean asked, as I sat next to him, covering up. Damn it was cold in this room.
"Yes, sir." Dean said, sitting up strait. "Uh.. Yeah, I got a pen." I gave him the pen and pad. "Thanks, Katie." Dean said, quickly kissing my head, and began writing down the names.
We all sat in the car (outfit is the picture), and I was playing on my phone, playing Tetris, in the back. It was quiet at first, when Sam spoke up. "All right so the names Dad gave us- they're all couples?" 
I nodded, having already looked at the list. "Three different couples all went missing." I said, still playing my game.
"And they're all from different towns, different states?" Sam asks again, glancing at Dean and I, then back on the road. I then, end my game- but I suddenly see the date... It's my 17th birthday tomorrow (I changed it).... Let's not remind the boys, They probably forgot my birthday anyway,
"That's right we got, Washington, New York, Colorado. Each couple took a road trip cross-country. None of them arrived at their destination. None of them were ever heard from again." Dean said. 
"Well, it's a big country Dean. They could have disappeared anywhere." Sam reasoned.
"Yeah, they could have, but each one's route took them though the same part of Indiana... Always on the second week of April one year after another... April sound familiar to you?" Dean asked. I shook my head, but Sam nodded.
"I don't know where from though... Anyway, this is the second week of April."
"Yep." I said, popping the 'p'.
"So Dad is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes?" Sam asks. 'Please, don't start a fight, Sam...' I though to him.
"Yahtzee. Can you imagine putting together a pattern like this?" Dean asked. "The different obits Dad had to go through- the man's a master." Sam started pulling over to the side of the road. I wanted to read his thoughts, but I'm trying to stop that soo... What the hell is going on? I could feel Sam's anger and resentment from where I was sitting.
"What are you doing?" Dean asks.
"We're not going to Indiana." Sam decides.
"We're not?" I ask.
"No. We're going to California. Dad called from a pay phone- Sacramento area code." Sam explained. I want to go look for Dad, but he told us to stop looking.
"Sam." Dean said.
"Dean, if this demon kill mom, Jess, and Elizabeth, and Dad's closing in, we got to be there. We got to help." Sam said.
"Sam!" I exclaimed. "Dad doesn't want our help..." I whispered.
"Well, I don't care."
Dean's shocked. "He's given us an order."
"I don't care." Sam said. "We don't always have to do what he says."
"Sam, Dad is asking us to work jobs, to save lives. It's important." I pointed out.
"All right, I understande. Believe me, I understand. But I'm talking one week here, guys, to get answers. To get revenge."
"These people don't have a week, Sam." I exclaimed. It was quiet.
"All right, look, I know how you feel." Dean said.
"Do you?" Sam asked. I scoffed.
"You're not the only one who had someone special die Sam!" I said. "Okay? My mom died too. Your mom died too- Dean's mom- both of your guys' mom."
"How old was he when Mom died- 4? How the hell would you know how I feel?"
"Yeah, and how old was I when my mom died, Sam?" I asked. It was quiet once again.
"Dad said it wasn't safe for any of us. I mean he obviously knows something that we don't. So if he says to stay away, we stay away." Dean said.
"I don't understand the blind faith you have in the man." Sam said. "I mean, it's like you don't even question him."
"Yeah, it's called being a good son." Dean yelled. Sam glares, then gets out of the car, I follow suit, and Dean following as well.
"Sam. Sam!" I exclaimed, as he opens the truck, grabbing his bag. "What are you doing?" I asked.
"You're a selfish bastard. You know that? You just do what ever you want. You don't care what anyone thinks." Dean says.
"That's what you really think?" Sam asked.
"Yes, it is." Dean said.
Sam scoffs. "Well, this selfish bastard is going to California." Sam turns on his heel and walks off.
"You know what, that does not make him a selfish bastard, Dean." I said. "Yeah, he can't do what ever he wants, but not caring what others think, is not selfish."
"So you're on his side?" Dean asks.
"Side? I'm on no ones side!" I exclaimed.
"Then, you better pick fast."
"No ones!" Dean rolls his eyes, grabs my bags, and gives them to me. 
"Come on, Dean. You're not serious." I scoffed. 
"Goodbye, Kat." Dean says, closing his trunk, and getting in the car.
"Dean!" I yelled. "Dean!" I dropped my bags, and went up to the window, hitting the glass. "Dean, let me in! DEAN!" I yelled, as he drove off. I looked behind me to see Sam already gone. I was alone. I ran to my bag, and called Dad.
Nothing. I crumbled to the ground, and cried.
They left me.
I'm alone, and my family left me.
Now what?
What do I do?

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