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Soon it became the Summer Holidays. No more school. I was happy, but sad that I would see Jazz and the girls again for a while, though we had arranged to meet up a lot. Anyway, first day of the summer holidays and I had no idea what to do. I thought I did. My idea of a summer holiday was playing out in the sun in the garden or board games on a picnic rug in the grass. I had forgotten British weather. Completely.
Staring out at the rain smacking against the window pane, I sighed. I could play board games inside but Ben was at his friend's house and mum and dad were busy, so no one to play with. That meant nothing to do.
I Skyped Jazz first, then Sarah, and Jo. That was another hour gone already. The day was spent watching the clock tick round until lunch, tea, then finally bed.

Most of my summer I spent like that, though Ben and I played lots of board games as well. We even made our own! I met up with Jazz, Sarah and Jo a few times as well, when it wasn't chucking it down. Not really summer weather, is it?

With only a week left of the holiday, I came home from meeting with the girls.
"Mum! Dad! Ben! I'm home!" I called, happily. I heard running footsteps and then a cry, "Georgia!" It was Ben. "Georgia! Come and see this." He had a look on his face which was half delighted and half like he was scared about what was going to happen next. I ran in to the kitchen as he dragged me along and I saw lying on the table a crumpled up newspaper with finger marks on, one that looked like a lot of people had been touching it. I could immediately see why Ben had that expression on his face. I found myself shaking and clenched my fists. With slow movement, I reached towards the table and carefully picked up the paper with one hand. The front page headlines in big, bold letters, was us. Our story, and much more. One bit caught my eye. I read:
The man believed to have committed this crime against the family and others has, eventually been found. He is currently under questioning and his trail will take place on 28th September.

I could've shouted, sung, even screamed with happiness. He was found! He was in custody! He was under questioning and would have a trail! Then suddenly a thought occurred to me. Didn't they need victims/witnesses for a trail? Would Ben have to go and speak? Would I have to go and speak? I would be happy to! I thought, I would make sure he was guilty no matter what! I would give the best argument and be really helpful to everyone working against him! But I didn't know if Ben would feel the same as I did. Those were my thoughts for the rest of the day.

2 days later the police came round again to talk about the article in the paper and explain properly what was going on. They were the same three police officers and I had learnt their names by then. The tall man was called John, the other man was called Michael and the woman was called Jemima. They were really nice to me and very helpful so I was glad to let them explain.
"Everything said in the article is correct," John started, "but there is more. Ben, mum, dad and I were all sitting round the kitchen table looking really excited. A bit like children waking up to see there stocking on Christmas Day.
"We found the man's wallet which had an ID card in, but as he is a criminal, we obviously cannot be sure whether this is his true identity." Michael told us.
"We are testing it and the wallet for fingerprints after taking his but as Michael said, he is a criminal so we can't be sure." Jemima finished.
"But we hope we will be able to give you good news next time we see you!" Cut in John, smiling happily. That's all I needed, good news. It can do the world of good.

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