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The following day was Monday and I looked forward to seeing Jazz, Sarah and Jo again. Miss Greene saw how tired I looked in the morning and asked me if I was ok. But then, all day people were asking me if I was ok. At lunch I went into the school toilets and stared in the mirror. My friends stood around me and weren't really very surprised at my reaction.
My hair was a mess, I had big black rings under my eyes and my whole body was hunched over, never really standing up properly, making me look a lot shorter then I was.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Jo asked. Before when people had asked me I immediately replied with, 'of course!' But this time, I wasn't so sure.
It was a shame, as it was straight after I decided to put behind me what had happened so know I wasn't sure whether my body agreed with my mind.
"No, please help me," I replied, suddenly realising how dramatic I sounded. Sarah and Jo came  either side of me with their hands on my shoulders and Jazz gave me a big hug from the front. I instantly knew that my  friends would support me no matter what, even with Sarah and Jo not knowing the real problem. I decided to tell them the truth and their reactions were just the same as Jazz's when I first told her.
"So why did you remember the car coming speeding round the corner then?" Sarah asked. I hadn't thought of that. When I first came out of the coma all I could remember was a flash of light and a car coming speeding round the corner.
"I don't actually know!" I replied. And I genuinely didn't.

When I got home I changed into some comfy clothes and settled down to do some homework. I hate maths! I thought to myself, but then decided to stop complaining and just get on with it...
...until Jazz Skyped me.
"How are you now?" She asked.
"I'm fine, just a little tired." I didn't really want to talk about it so I quickly changed the subject, "hey, what did you get for question 6?" As usual she was really helpful, "I got 53 but you'll have to check with Sarah cause maths is her strongest subject!" She was right, Sarah was a genius at everything but she was best at maths.
"I know! But I don't see how she likes maths, it's so boring!" Eventually, after checking all my answers with Sarah, i went to bed.

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