The truth

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Adjusting back to my normal routines was tough, but fun. Jazz came round to my house at the weekend and we had loads of fun sorting through, and playing, all of my old games that I forgot I had. Then we had pizza and chips for lunch until unfortunately Jazz had to go home. We still text each other though.
Jazz: that was so fun! Hope I can come again will ur mum let me?
Georgia: yeh she will im sure shall I Skype u it's easier
Jazz: yeh sure
We Skyped for about an hour until my phone ran out of charge. I went downstairs for tea and heard my parents talking.
"We can't tell her! I don't think she'll cope!" My dad was saying.
"She will, she's a clever girl who needs to know the truth." My mum argued.
I walked in to the kitchen and then immediately stopped talking. They both looked at me.
"Tell me," I said, fiercely, "what is it? Tell me." My parents looked at me and my dad sighed. I had no idea what was going on, I just had the perfect day with my best friend and now what was happening? Eventually my mum started talking, "Georgia, we need to tell you exactly what happened on the night of the crash."

I couldn't believe this happened. I still can't, really. I lay on my bed, with my face in my pillow trying to make sense of this. My parents decided to wait until the day where I was most happy to tell me really what happened. So, what really happened you may ask. Well, it was New Year's Eve, and it was a car crash. Those are about the only things true of what I remember happening. The rest? We had just come back from our holiday in Cornwall which stupidly ended on New Year's Eve. There were some narrow country lanes we were driving through and our car broke down. Then, a man in a car drove up and stopped his car behind us, then came to our car and started shouting really loudly, swearing and threatening. Eventually, he smashed open the window with his fist and grabbed something. My parents didn't tell me what, mum started crying and dad moved on to the rest of the story without letting me say a word. So, he took that thing away by breaking the door with a hammer from his pocket (??!!). The thing must have been big and heavy because apparently it took around 10 minutes, with me, mum and dad trying to stop him. Then he kicked the back of the car and drove off. They won't say what happened after that apart from the fact that he must have been very strong because the force from the kick swung me cowards into the seat in front, putting me in a coma.
I couldn't believe this had happened and especially that they didn't tell me. I started to cry and then felt silly so decided to Skype Jazz again and tell her, as my phone was fully charged by then. Nobody told her the truth when it happened, either so she was extremely surprised but very sympathetic. I ended the chat promptly though, as I felt like I was going to cry again, and made her promise not to tell anyone.
I didn't have any tea that night and didn't sleep. How could I? Could you?
The next day I heard Kezia come round to see me. I appreciated the effort but really didn't want to talk to anyone. She came up to my room, where I vowed to stay all day, and when she saw me, I could see the look of horror/surprise on her face.
"Georgia? Are you ok?" She asked me. I looked down, hiding my face. Suddenly she realised, "did they tell you the truth?" Kezia looked at me sympathetically then put her hand under my chin, making me look at her, "hey, don't worry! Everything is going to be fine, I'll make sure of that." She told me. I felt a tear run down my cheek and wiped it away in frustration, feeling silly.
"Thank you," I managed. Then I burst into sobs. I didn't know why, I felt a lot better but crying was just like washing away everything that had happened. I was going to start again and  forget everything my parents told me the day before.
After Kezia had left, I changed into my tracksuit bottoms and a cosy T-shirt then reluctantly headed downstairs. I had no idea how my parents were going to react but I hoped they would be fine. As I emerged from behind the kitchen door my dad was the first to notice me. He walked up to me and for I minute I was scared and burst into tears. Then he just gave me a hug. I felt a whole lot better as I wrapped my arms around him and then my mum. Though no words were spoken, we all knew that whatever had happened had been put behind us, and we were aiming for a fresh start.
Suddenly I realised how hungry I was. I hadn't eaten since yesterday lunch with Jazz. My mum turned the oven on and we all cooked some of the leftover pizza from yesterday and then I gobbled it down greedily. I instantly felt better. In the end I was glad to know the truth, I just wished my parents could have told me sooner, and maybe told me what the man took. It was a secret I hoped they'd tell me one day, but not just yet. At that moment in time I could only be glad I knew the truth.

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