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It was November now. Life was harder knowing I could collapse and even die at any moment in time. The doctor said I can't have too much shock at one time else it could set me off. I was scared. But that would be natural, wouldn't it? I didn't know. I do now though. I don't know how I coped during those days. my friends were obviously very sympathetic but they didn't really know what was going on.

The press had died down a little now, after the incident. They asked if they could report about my illness but I wouldn't let them. Neither would Ben, or my parents for that matter! So now they were off reporting about some other boy's story. I didn't care. It was sad though and it was such a shame, everything was so good and then it all started going down hill. At least the man was getting what he deserved, I would never have to worry about him now, and that was one good thing about it all.

On the 5th of November (Bonfire Night) I was lying on the sofa in the lounge watching TV and getting ready to go to the fireworks. We were going to Jazz's house with the family because it seemed that mine and Jazz's families are actually really close. A few other families were going as well, including Sarah and Jo's. Soon I was ready and we left. As I was walking to the car with Ben, though, I called for mum and dad. I looked at the time, 17:35, we were already late. "Mum! Dad! Come on! We're late!" I shouted, then with a sigh and a 'wait a minute' nod to Ben, I ran back inside to get them. When I walked in they were in the lounge. "mum! Dad! We need to leave! we're late!" They suddenly jumped when I started speaking and immediately turned off the television. The look on their faces showed a lot of guilt and I was curious. "What is it?" I asked. They looked at each other and I heard Ben call for us.  "Tell you about it later, come on! We need to go!" Dad said hurriedly, while mum rushed me out of the room and into the car.

It was a great night so far, we had done the fireworks and were just about to do the burning of Guy Fawkes on the bonfire. Suddenly I remembered what had happened earlier and drifted my way through the crowd to find my parents. When I asked them, they both looked a little uncomfortable. Mum began to speak, "darling, we will tell you we promise, we have to. You'll find out for yourself soon enough but we don't want to ruin your night." Ruin my night? She had to be kidding me. What would be so bad that it would ruin my night? I had not been expecting this. "Please, just tell me." I begged, "I want to know what's going on." Dad sighed, nodded at mum, then looked at me, right in the eye. "The man who caused all of us this trouble, has.... umm.. escaped from jail." That sentence hit me like a bullet and I couldn't believe it. No wonder they didn't want to tell me, this just ruined my whole life, let alone my evening. Suddenly I began to feel all funny and faint. I fell backwards, clutching my heart, right into some of the smouldering wood from the bonfire. The last things I heard  were screaming and the words, "heart failure..."

Then everything went black.

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