Going home

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After my last few days in hospital, I finally headed home. As we drove up into the drive I looked familiarly at my house and smiled. During that crash I never thought I would see that bright red door again.
Opening that door, I heard barking and a voice saying, "Buddy! Calm down! You don't want to frighten the girl she's just come out of hospital!" Suddenly I saw a springer spaniel bound towards me, with brown and white fur shaking and a cute tail wagging frantically wagging behind him. Then a young woman appeared behind the door. She was very pretty, with the classic blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Georgia! How are you!" She asked me, "you probably don't remember me, I'm your neighbour, Kezia." Suddenly I remembered her. "Kezia!" I shouted, running to give her a hug in my own home. I spent the rest of the day running round my house remembering everything. It was good to be back.

Sorry that's a really short chapter but I wanted it to be effective and get across the point that she was home. Remember to like, comment and follow me please! Thanks!

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