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A few weeks later my parents say me down at the kitchen table looking very solemn and serious but quite happy. They told me they had some news and looked like they were going somewhere as they had all their coats and shoes on.
"Yes?" I asked them. They smiled.
"There is some news about your brother, Ben." Obviously it was good news otherwise they wouldn't be smiling.
"It my not be good news yet, but it's a start. His body was found last week but we didn't want to tell you in case it was bad news. He has been in an intensive care unit in a coma like you were. We were hoping you might be able to wake him up." I was so excited. I have a brother again! I thought. What if I can wake him up? That would be so cool! I thought. I would help him adjust back to normal routines, like I had to and make sure he was ok. He might even remember what happened to him with the man and what he looked like. That way we might both be safe from him forever.

When we got to the hospital, I couldn't see Ben in his bed for all of the wires and tubes covering him. Is this what I looked like? I thought. I remembered it all too well now. Waking up and feeling frustrated, not being able to talk or move. Every single last crumb of empathy I could muster I felt immediately. I knew what this felt like, I wanted to get my brother out of it as soon as possible. I crept wearily towards the hospital bed and started to talk softly,
"Ben? I'm your sister, Georgia." I decided to start by telling him who he was. That was what I wanted to know when I first woke up.
"You are 8 years old. You have black hair and brown eyes. Your favourite colour is blue, because it makes you think of the sky and the sea. Our favourite game to play together was monopoly and your favourite food was pizza." As I said these things, I was remembering them myself. Memories engulfed me as I pleaded my brother to wake up. I tried a different attempt, make him feel like he's not alone,
"I was in a coma like you. I woke up, like you will. Don't be frustrated, it will be ok in the end." I saw his finger twitch and he grunted. I prayed he wouldn't have a heart failure like I did. Not caring about his tubes attached to him, I ran forwards and gave him a sort of awkward hug. His eyes flickered open and I saw the chocolatey brown iris I remembered. He managed to croak, "thank you" and I was so happy I could have shouted. But I didn't, I cried with joyful laughter. This was my brother, another piece of my past. That was when I realised, I had a jigsaw, I just had to put it together.

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