Best Friend Forever

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~Tara's POV~

My mom wakes me and lays out my clothes for the day. I get up and get dress and brush my shoulder length, straight brown hair. I head down stairs for breakfast. My dad is sitting at the table reading the newspaper and my mom is placing food on the table. I sit down and wait for my two older brothers to come to the table.

When everyone gets seated, we start eating. There are eggs, bacon, sausage, french toast, fruit, and waffles. My mom loves to cook and she is extremely good at it. As I finish up eating, my dad gives us all hugs and heads to work. My mom cleans up the table as my brothers and I rush to get our things for the first day of school.

I am really excited. This is my first day of kindergarten. I can't wait to get to class and meet kids my own age. My mother calls us down and we load up in the car. My brothers Andrew and Stan begin to tell me how much I'm going to like school and I get even more excited. We arrive at the elementary and head inside.

We take my brothers to their classes and then walk to my class. My mom gives me a hug and kiss goodbye before letting me walk into the classroom. The teacher is helping the other students with their things. She sees me and comes over to help me. I take a seat next to a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He smiles at me shyly and I smile back.

"Hello. I'm Tara. What's your name?" I ask the boy. "Hi. I'm Niall." He replies. "Want to be best friends?" I ask Niall. "Sure." He says with a smile. From that day, Niall and I spend everyday together. We are joined at the hip like most kids our age.

Toward the end of first grade, my parents tell my brothers and I that we are moving. I become very upset. What would happen to Niall? I can't leave my best friend. We had promised to be friends forever and never spend a day apart from each other.

One evening, Niall and his family come over for supper. My parents tell them the news and I see Niall become sad. 'I don't want to leave him' I think. After they leave, I fall asleep crying.The next few days, Niall and I do everything possible together. We want to make sure we have the best time.

The day finally arrives where we have to move. Niall and I look at each other for a while saying nothing. "I have something for you Tara." "I have something for you too. You first though." I say. He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to me. It is a bracelet that has the Irish flag on it. "Thank you." I say and slip it on my left wrist. I run over to the car where his present is at and run back to him. "Here. I want you to have this." I hand him my favorite stuffed animal, a teddy bear. "I can't take this. You sleep with him every night." Niall says. "I want you to have him so you don't forget me." I say and he nods. We both then hug each other not wanting to let go.

Both of my parents and his mom walk over to us. "Let's get one last picture of you two." My mom says. Niall and I stand next to each other and smile. Both of our moms take the photo and then its time to go. Niall and I hug one last time. "Don't ever forget me." Niall says. "I won't. And don't forget me." I say back. We let go and my dad leads me to the car and buckles me in. I look out the window to Niall and wave and he waves back as we drive off.

I begin to cry. I already miss my best friend and know I will probably never see him again. I will probably never see Mullingar, Ireland, again  let alone come back to Ireland. This is the worst day of my life.

~Niall's POV~

I am looking down at my desk when I feel someone sit down next to me. I look up and smile shyly at the girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She smiles back at me.

"Hello. I'm Tara. What's your name?" She asks me. "Hi. I'm Niall." I reply. "Want to be best friends?" She asks me. "Sure." I say with a smile. From that day, Tara and I spend everyday together. We are joined at the hip like most kids our age.

In first grade, Tara and I make a promise. We promise to be friends forever and never spend a day apart from each other.

One evening, my mother, brother, and I go over to Tara's for dinner. Her parents tell us the news that they are moving and I become sad. 'I don't want her to leave' I think. After we leave, I fall asleep crying.The next few days, Tara and I do everything possible together. We want to make sure we have the best time.

The day finally arrives where they have to move. Tara and I look at each other for a while saying nothing. "I have something for you Tara." "I have something for you too. You first though." She says. I pull something out of my pocket and hand it to her. It is a bracelet that has the Irish flag on it. "Thank you." She says and slips it on her left wrist. Tara runs over to the car where my present is at and runs back to me. "Here. I want you to have this." She hands me her favorite stuffed animal, a teddy bear. "I can't take this. You sleep with him every night." I say. "I want you to have him so you don't forget me." She says and I nod. We both then hug each other not wanting to let go.

Both of her parents and my mom walk over to us. "Let's get one last picture of you two." Her mom says. Tara and I stand next to each other and smile. Both of our moms take the photo and then its time for her to go. Tara and I hug one last time. "Don't ever forget me." I say. "I won't. And don't forget me." She says back. We let go and her dad leads her to the car and buckles her in. She looks out the window to me and I wave and she waves back as they drive off.

I begin to cry as we head back home. I already miss my best friend and know she is probably never coming back. This is the worst day of my life.

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