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~Tara's POV~

Monday morning, I get ready for school. I look at my eye and it is no longer black and blue. 'Maybe today will be a good day.' I can only hope. I'm ready early enough that I catch a ride with my brothers. Its a good thing too because it's raining out.

When I walk through the doors, I notice everyone either looking at me or whispering. 'What could be going on?' I think to myself. I get to my locker and Zayn is there. "Do you know what's up with everyone today?" I ask. "I have no idea." Then Jay, Devon, and Marcy join us. They ask us about the concert and we tell them about it. Zayn makes sure to add the part about how he won the bet we made. When the bell rings, we go to class.

Everything seems normal except I keep hearing whispers and see the other students looking at me. While I'm getting changed for gym class, I hear Whitney talking with some of the other girls. "Did you guys hear about Tara?" "No." Some of them say. "She got arrested this weekend." "What for?" One of them asks. "She was fooling around in the movie theater." "So what? We all goof off at the movies." "Not that type of fooling around." Whitney says. It's quiet for a moment and then she says,  "Tara was naked if you get my drift." I hear the girls' gasp. 

I walk up to Whitney and ask, "Where did you hear that?" "Everyone is talking about it Tara. It's not a secret anymore." "I was not naked and we were just kissing." "Then what do you call the two of you only in your underwear? You were naked." "Ok, so maybe I was just in my underwear but we were only kissing." I say. She laughs a little. "Just kissing? C'mon Tara. His hand was on your underwear getting ready to pull it off." I just glare at her. "How old was the man?" Someone asks. "Twenty-four." Whitney says. They all gasp. "How do you know all of this?" I ask Whitney still glaring at her. She leans into my ear and whispers, "I was there. I saw everything." She then smirks at me.

That's when I raise my hand and punch her in the face. She hits me back and we get into a huge fight. Before too long, there are teachers pulling us apart. It takes three or four of them to just get me off of Whitney and two to get a hold of her. They lead her out of the locker room first and then me. We are guided right into Ms. Tain's office.

"I can't believe you two. Another fight. Who started it this time?" Whitney points to me and I lift my hand a little without looking up. "Ok. Since detention didn't get through to the both of you, you're both suspended. Whitney, three days of in school suspension and Tara, four days out of school suspension. Your suspensions start tomorrow. Now Whitney, get to the nurse and then back to class." Whitney leaves and I'm left with Ms. Tain.

"Tara. I don't want you getting into anymore trouble. Next time I might have to involve the police. Is that understood?" Ms. Tain says. "Yes ma'am." "Good. Head to the nurse and get cleaned up before heading back to class." I nod and leave the office heading to the nurse.

When I get there, Whitney is nowhere insight. The nurse cleans me up and I head to the last part of gym. The teacher has me change into my regular clothes and watch the other students. I notice Whitney participating and know that the teacher is keeping us away from each other because of the fight.

~Whitney's POV~

Friday night when Tara got arrested, I sent the pictures I took to the newspaper and told them a little about what happened so they could get the rest of the story from the employees and police officers. It was the perfect way to get Tara back for the fight that happened a while back. Plus I just hate her with all of my guts.

Monday morning, I text my friends and have them spread the word and even tell others when I get to school. I notice Tara walk into the school. Those who have heard about Friday night are whispering about it and giving Tara looks. 'This is perfect.'

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