New Best Friend

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~Tara's POV~

I am now living in Bradford, England. It's a nice place but I really hope we don't move anymore. I can't stand it. Both of my parents have started to get absorbed up in their jobs. Not as much as my real dad though. My older brothers watch me even though I'm thirteen and old enough to take care of myself.

School starts in a couple of days but I'm not nervous. I do though, decide to change my look a bit. I don't want to dress all girly like. This is middle school for pete's sake. I have to change and especially since its a new school.

I wake up ready for the first day of school. I get dress in a pair of black skinny jeans, a black shirt, and throw on my black toms. I put a little make-up on and keep my hair down. I grab my bags and walk into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I grab a granola bar and bottle of water and quickly eat.

I head out the door and begin the walk to school since my brothers left with the car before I could say something. I get to school and place things in my locker before heading to first period. I walk into the classroom and see only a few seats open. I sit down next to a boy with black hair and brown eyes. He doesn't say anything to me but keeps looking straight ahead.

The day has been okay so far. No one has introduced themselves yet and I'm okay with that. If I don't make any friends then there's nothing to worry about when I move. I walk into third period and there's only one seat left. Its toward the back of the room right next to the boy from first period. 

I notice the teacher get up and leave and everyone begins talking. The boy next to me turns my way. "Hey. I'm Zayn." "Tara." "You new here?" "Yep. First day." "Enjoying it?" "I guess. Nothing new to me. This is my fifth school." I say. "Fifth? What have you done to get kicked out of so many schools?" He asks. I chuckle a bit. "I've never been kicked out. My family has just moved. A lot." "Well, by the way you are dressed I would've never guessed." "The way I'm dressed? What does that have to do with anything?" "In this school, if you wear black most people assume you're an emo kid or trouble maker." Zayn says. I look at his clothes and see that he is wearing black. "I see. So which are you?" "I guess you'll just have to find out won't you?" He says with a smirk. "I guess I will." The bell rings signaling the end of class and our conversation.

When lunch rolls around, I get in line. I then notice someone familiar standing behind me. "Want to eat lunch with me?" I look over and see Zayn. "Why not. Its not like I have anywhere else to sit." "No friends yet?" "Nope. But it doesn't bother me." I say. We get our lunch and he leads me over to a table near the back. There are a few people dressed in black eating. "Guys. This is Tara." Zayn says while taking a seat and I follow suit. He then introduces me to his friends.

After lunch, I walk into art class and once again there sits Zayn. By himself and the only open chair is right next to him. I take the seat and give Zayn a smirk. "You like to draw?" I ask him. "Yeah. It's one of my many talents." "Oh really?" I question with an upraised eyebrow. "Yes." He replies. We talk the whole period and I realize that Zayn isn't as bad as he looks. Maybe we can be friends.

~Zayn's POV~

I'm sitting in first period waiting for school to start. I see a girl with brown hair and blue eyes dress in all black. She looks around the room looking for an open seat. I follow her with my eyes and she takes the seat next to me. That's when I look straight ahead and don't say a single word to her.

In third period, I take a seat in the back of the room. Everyone else comes in and finds a seat. Then I see the girl from earlier. I look around and the only seat left is right next to me. She sits down and looks completely bored.

When the teacher leaves the room, everyone starts talking. I turn to her. "Hey. I'm Zayn." "Tara." "You new here?" "Yep. First day." "Enjoying it?" "I guess. Nothing new to me. This is my fifth school." She says. "Fifth? What have you done to get kicked out of so many schools?" I ask. She chuckles a bit. "I've never been kicked out. My family has just moved. A lot." "Well, by the way you are dressed I would've never guessed." "The way I'm dressed? What does that have to do with anything?" "In this school, if you wear black most people assume you're an emo kid or trouble maker." I say. She looks at my clothes and sees that I'm wearing black. "I see. So which are you?" "I guess you'll just have to find out won't you?" I say with a smirk. "I guess I will." The bell rings signaling the end of class and our conversation.

When lunch rolls around, I get in line. I then notice someone familiar standing in front of me. "Want to eat lunch with me?" Tara looks over and sees me. "Why not. Its not like I have anywhere else to sit." "No friends yet?" "Nope. But it doesn't bother me." She says. We get our lunch and I lead her over to a table near the back. A few of my friends are already there eating. "Guys. This is Tara." I say while taking a seat and Tara follows suit. I then introduce her to my friends.

After lunch, I walk into art class and take a seat. Tara walks in and notices that I'm by myself and the only open chair is right next to me. She takes the seat and gives me a smirk. "You like to draw?" She asks me. "Yeah. It's one of my many talents." "Oh really?" She questions with an upraised eyebrow. "Yes." I reply. We talk the whole period and I realize that Tara is an okay girl. Maybe we could be friends.

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