Best Friend

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~Tara's POV~

I'm now sitting in my room watching TV in Holmes Chapel, England. I have lost three best friends. I cannot afford to lose another one. I will make no new friends.

That plan fails because we get introduced to yet another new family. There's a girl named Gemma who is the same age as one of my brothers. The boy with curly hair and green eyes, named Harry, is the same age as me. I don't want to talk with him but do so anyways to be nice. When they leave, I decide that Harry and I might be able to be friends.

The next day, I hop on the school bus to find Harry already on and saving me a seat. I sit down and sigh. "Is everything okay?" He asks. I nod yes but think of my three best friends. Harry pulls me out of my thoughts and we discuss school. We discover that we have the same lunch and almost every class together.

As the school year continues, Harry and I become close. We do almost everything together. We are best friends.

Harry and his family are over one night and we are given the news that we have to move. I am a little shocked this time because it had only been a year not two and I am hearing that we have to move. Harry looks at me with a shocked face as well. I go to bed that night crying a little but then fall asleep listening to Harry's favorite song.

The next few days, we hang out. Then moving day comes. "Harry, I want to give you something so you will always remember me." He nods and then I give him a necklace with the letter T on it and friends forever inscribed on the back. He puts it on and then hands me something. "This is for you." He says. I open my hand to a locket. The outside has an H on it. I open it up and there's a picture of us giving each other bunny ears. I smile and give him a hug. "I will always treasure this Harry." "I will never forget you Tara." He puts it on me. Then comes picture time. We stand there hugging and he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

Before I get in the van, I give Harry a kiss on the cheek. Once in the van, I turn around and wave at Harry and he waves back. Then we are off. This is the worst day of my life.

~Harry's POV~

We are introduced to our new neighbors. There are five boys and one girl. She has straight brown hair and blue eyes. We begin talking.

The next day, she hops on the school bus to find me already on and saving her a seat. Tara sits down and sighs. "Is everything okay?" I ask. She nods yes. I pull her out of her thoughts and we discuss school. We discover that we have the same lunch and almost every class together.

As the school year continues, Tara and I become close. We do almost everything together. We are best friends.

My family and I are over one night at Tara's and we are given the news that they have to move. I am shocked. I look at Tara and she has a shocked face as well. We leave and I go to bed that night crying a little but then fall asleep listening to Tara's favorite song.

The next few days, we hang out. Then moving day comes. "Harry, I want to give you something so you will always remember me." I nod and then she gives me a necklace with the letter T on it and friends forever inscribed on the back. I put it on and then hand her something. "This is for you." I say. She opens her hand to a locket. The outside has an H on it. She opens it up and there's a picture of us giving each other bunny ears. She smiles and gives me a hug. "I will always treasure this Harry." "I will never forget you Tara." I put it on her. Then comes picture time. We stand there hugging and I give her a kiss on the cheek.

Before she gets in the van, she gives me a kiss on the cheek. Once in the van, she turns around and waves at me and I wave back. Then they are off. This is the worst day of my life.

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