Flirting Buddy

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~Tara's POV~

In gym class, we go outside to the track and run laps. Eventually I see a blond haired boy under the bleachers. I recognize him as Jay. He is with two other people. When the teacher isn't looking, I sneak over to the group. Standing with Jay is Devon and Marcy. "Hey Tara. Wanna smoke?" Devon asks. "Sure." I say and he hands me a cigarette. "You coming to my party tonight?" Jay asks. "Wouldn't miss it." I say. We stand around smoking without talking. "We should get back Devon." Marcy says. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "We help out in the office during this period." Devon says. "And if we don't get back before Ms. Tain notices we're gone, she'll have us cleaning up the school." Marcy finishes explaining. Jay and I say bye to them as they make their way to the office.

I look over at Jay and can tell he has a plan. "What are you up to?" I say. "I want to show you something." I nod my head and we put out the cigarettes. He leads me to his car and we get in. The drive to wherever we are going is quiet but not uncomfortable. We stop at a two story brick building not far from the school and get out. "What is this place?" I ask. "This used to be a cafe but it went out of business. Now it's my secret hangout place. Only Zayn knows about it." He takes my hand and leads me upstairs to what looks like a living room. I take a seat on the couch as Jay goes into another room.

He comes back with two cans of beer and hands one to me. I open it and take a sip. He sits down and asks questions about me. Even though I've hung out with Jay before, we don't know each other that well. When I met Jay, I thought he was cute and I have a few feelings for him but I don't want to date him. Maybe we can be flirting buddies.

"I've got another question for you Tara." He says. "What is it?" "Well, I'm not looking for a girlfriend but I kinda like you. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be flirting buddies." I can't believe what I'm hearing. He just pretty much read my mind. I finish off the can of beer before answering. "Sure." I say and giggle a bit. I get up and head to the kitchen for another beer. "Sexy." I hear Jay say. I turn around and ask, "What's sexy?" "You and that butt of yours." He says smiling and then winks. I giggle and then continue to the kitchen.

I walk back to the living room and open the can as I sit down on the couch and put my feet on Jay. We continue talking and flirting.

~Jay's POV~

I decide to skip fourth period so I head outside. I see the girls gym class heading for the track to run laps. I also see Tara. She looks really pretty. When I met her, I had begun to like her. I walk over to the bleachers and light a cigarette and watch the girls. Especially Tara.

About 10 minutes later, Devon and Marcy join me. We stand around smoking and talking. Then I see a girl with brown hair pulled into a ponytail and blue eyes walking our way. Immediately I recognize the girl as Tara.

"Hey Tara. Wanna smoke?" Devon asks. "Sure." She says and he hands her a cigarette. "You coming to my party tonight?" I ask. "Wouldn't miss it." She says. We stand around smoking without talking. "We should get back Devon." Marcy says. "What do you mean?" Tara asks her. "We help out in the office during this period." Devon says. "And if we don't get back before Ms. Tain notices we're gone, she'll have us cleaning up the school." Marcy finishes explaining. Tara and I say bye to them as they make their way to the office.

As they leave, I come up with a plan. She looks over at me and can tell I have a plan. "What are you up to?" Tara says. "I want to show you something." She nods her head and we put out the cigarettes. I lead her to my car and we get in. The drive to where we are going is quiet but not uncomfortable. We stop at a two story brick building not far from the school and get out. "What is this place?" She asks. "This used to be a cafe but it went out of business. Now it's my secret hangout place. Only Zayn knows about it." I take her hand and lead her upstairs to the living room. She takes a seat on the couch as I go into another room.

I come back with two cans of beer and hand one to her. I open it and take a sip as she opens her's and takes a sip. I sit down and ask questions about Tara. Even though I've hung out with Tara before, we don't know each other that well. I want to date Tara but don't think she likes me as more than a friend. Maybe we can be flirting buddies.

"I've got another question for you Tara." I say. "What is it?" "Well, I'm not looking for a girlfriend but I kinda like you. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be flirting buddies." I lie a bit. About not wanting a girlfriend. She finishes off the can of beer before answering. "Sure." She says and giggles a bit. She gets up and heads to the kitchen for another beer. "Sexy." I say. Tara turns around and ask, "What's sexy?" "You and that butt of yours." I say smiling and then wink. She giggles and then continues to the kitchen.

She walks back to the living room and opens the can as she sits down on the couch and puts her feet on me. We continue talking and flirting.

~Zayn's POV~

I wait for Tara at our lockers just like everyday. After a while, I head to lunch alone. I get my food and head to the back table. Only Devon and Marcy are here.

"Do you guys know where Jay and Tara are?" I question. "Last we saw them was last period under the bleachers at the track." Devon says. "What were you guys doing out there?" "Having a smoke." Marcy says. "Only we didn't stay for the whole period. You know what Ms. Tain would do if we hadn't come back." Devon explains.

'He is right. If they would have smoked the whole period, they would have to clean the whole school. But where are Jay and Tara?'

"Did either one of them mention going somewhere?" I ask. "No." They say in unison. I begin to eat as I think of where they could have gone. 'The mall? The park? His house?' I drop my fork and stand up knocking over my chair. "You okay Man?" Devon asks. I nod my head. "I know where they are." I say as I head out of the school.

I run towards the old run down cafe and Jay's car is there. I go inside and head upstairs.

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