Bradford Bad Girl

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~Zayn's POV~

Friday morning arrives and I'm excited. My best friend and I are going to see our favorite band play.

I meet up with Tara at our lockers and we begin talking about the concert. We make a bet on which songs are going to be played. Whenever we are together, we don't shut up about the concert.

After school, I walk Tara to her house. "So where do you want to meet at? I ask. "Well your house isn't too far from the arena.I'll just come to your house." "Ok. Sounds good." I say and head home.

I eat supper and then throw on a pair of jeans and t-shirt. Tara arrives in a cab. I walk out and get in the cab. I look at Tara and notice she is wearing leather pants and my old leather jacket that I gave her because it doesn't fit anymore.

The cab drops us off and we show the guards our tickets before entering. We don't have to wait long for the concert to start. Both of us sing along to the songs. She gives me five bucks since I won the bet.

After the concert, Tara and I head in the opposite direction of my house. "Zayn. Where are we going?" "To a club. I have a friend who specializes in fake IDs." I say and hand her a card. When we get to the club, we show the man at the door and he lets us in. I pull Tara over to the bar and order two beers.

We drink the beers and then head to the dance floor and dance. After a while, Tara heads back to a bar. An older lady, maybe about 21, comes up to me and we start dancing and get more to drink. I see Tara a couple of times and she is dancing with someone.

When I get ready to leave, I look for Tara but don't find her anywhere. I figure she already left so I get a cab and go home. When I get home, I just lay on the couch and fall asleep.

~Tara's POV~

It's now Friday morning. Tonight Zayn and I are going to a concert to see our favorite band and I can't wait.

I meet up with Zayn as usual and we begin talking about the concert. We even make a bet on which songs the band is going to play tonight. In our other class and at lunch, the two of us can't stop talking about tonight.

After school, he walks me to my house like normal. "So where do you want to meet at?" He asks. "Well, your house isn't too far from the arena. I'll just come to your house." "Ok. Sounds good." Zayn says and then we part our ways. When I walk in the door, I run up to my room, close the door and turn my music on. Eventually, I pick up a magazine and start reading it.

Sometime later, my dad comes into my room and turns off the music. "Hey! I was listening to that." I say. "Well I have to talk with you." He replies. I ignore him and go back to reading the magazine. Then he snatches that out of my hands. "I was reading that!" I say with a hint of annoyance. "Your mother and I have a business dinner and Derek is in charge. I want you to mind your brother and do what he asks you to do." My father says. I mumble a "Fine" and he gives me my magazine back before closing the door after him.

I listen closely and hear the front door close and then the car driving away. I turn my music back on and begin getting ready for the concert. I curl my hair and then put on a pair of black leather pants, a black off the shoulder top, and my black boots. I look at my clock and realize I should get to Zayn's house. I walk into the hallway and pick up the phone to call a cab. Then I throw on my black leather jacket Zayn gave me and place the house key and tickets into a pocket. The cab arrives and I leave without any of my brothers noticing.

When the cab gets to Zayn's house, he walks out and gets in the cab. As we make our way to the arena, I notice he's wearing jeans and a t-shirt. The cab drops us off and we show the guards our tickets before entering. We don't have to wait long for the concert to start. Both of us sing along to the songs. I give Zayn five bucks since he won the bet.

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