peters family!!!!

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tiles p.o.v
Derek and me are together for 4 months and im the pack mom you can say that i make breakfast,lunch and dinner i love to cook and i love everyone in the pack but the most derek."everyone come down stairs dinner is ready" i said. Everyone came down stairs in one minute. "What are we eating" everyone ask."we are eating meat "i said. Everyone is sitting okay not everyone because danny is on ethan lap and scott is on isaac and im on derek but we are sitting right now. Everyone wait on derek and me to take a bite so derek to a bite and he and then me after that everyone start to eat it fun because i can sit next/lap derek (sorry but its something people who are cazy like me can get)

skip my story my skips

at school (i did one school thing but that was short soo a new one )
stiles p.o.v
"pup listen i want you to be nice to the teachers and no scott you can not sit on isaac lap in the class same for danny and eric,goodbye and see you at lunch bye" i said. in class Mr.Harris was telling us something but i did not give a shit i was thinking about the pups i  missing them and i know they are in the school but im there  pack mom the mom they never had most of them. "stiles you have to go stiles " Mr.Harris . "what" i said . "someone name derek came here to pick you up with more people in this school soo you have to go" he said ."o okay see you later teacher "i said. waking fast than a seeing something wired its derek and someone else i dont know him but okay. kiss derek "what happed babe and why did you call us " i said because the whole pack is here now . "we have to find peter before he dies" he said . "what he hate us and we hate him " everyone said. "yes but i find out that he has a family i want him to live for his family you guys want that to right" he said. "wait what he has a family when was the wedding" everyone said. "the wedding was 20 years age and i dont think there was a wedding you fucking idiot who is the boy who look like little red reading hood " the boy said. "he is mine and you can't have him and his name is stiles " derek said."wait what john son whoa when i met you i did not think that you are going to be derek hale bf and mate whoa and i can wait to be your cousin-in-law is going to be the ride a big ride" the boy said."wait he is the child of peter he look hot and cute and he is meaninger than peter and he thas not look a werewolf "scott said. "yes because im a werwolf,vampire,wizard because my dad is a vampire,wizard and father is a werewolf do you get it now " he said. "all of you i have a name and its jake jones hale idiot "jake said." how did you know that"everyone said."i can mind read im a vampire idiot really derek how can you live with people like this " jake said . "how can you live with you pack " derek said. "they dont talk then make out and have sex so i have to talk to a brat who is my mate and him makes me talk " Jake

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