we are one big happy family now

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Sorry everyone I was super busy with school and I am still so I will be taking a break untill 13july when my school ends
3 months later***
"Derek do you think its good to just take Jake's blood and not even tell them that we are sending that blood with our blood to get tested ?" I said looking down sad trying to hide it but, I already knew Derek would know. "Its not that bad we did it for a reason, I want OUR child back and I just hope that it is Jake so we can still feed them up its not like we are going to die anytime soon so " Derek said while wrapping his big arms around me. I felt safe in his arms tha, I want to stay like that forever. After a while of standing there looking in each others eyes we both hear the doorbell ,so I asked Derek to get it, he said like always "of course baby everything for you". Derek gets the door and see the blood test so rip the packed apart and looked with a shocked face "what happend Derek your face" I said while taking the paper and looking at it. "Derek it is her omg it is her " I let all my tears roll down my cheek. "Might I ask why the fuck your crying Stiles and Derek ??" I knew that voice the one and only "Jakey we can,cry when we want its not like you really are like us" try to hide it. "You know I can read your minds so its already stupid to ask you Dad and Father " Jake look at Derek and me and hug us tightly.,"I'm happy I fond you two"
Where Jake was before this happend**

"Baby I love you too much" Kira said while kissing my neck "for god sake if you leave hickeys your telling the group why" I said mad. "Jakey what do you think of the group ?" He asked. "I think there great but I also think they don't like me at all , because I'm new and worthless" I was sad while saying that. "Shut up your so fucking great that I'm not worth any of your love or care" Alex started to leave hickey. "Do they even know that I'm fucking a 17 year old while your 25year old ?!?" I asked while pulling him off me. .They don't need to know that shit, its only 8 years different, just like your parents ". Parents ?!?!!?. "What do you mean with parents??'. "So I stole your blood and Stiles and Derek and I what did I fond out ?, that they are your parents". Oh may god sometimes I just love him too much so I to show that I kiss him roughly. He kisses back "fucking hell where did that come from??". I love you soon much brat thanks so much" I said while letting him mark me. "I got to go to them and tell the." Peck Alex's lips and run out the door to Stiles and Derek.
Hello I'm Jake thanks for reading and want to be updated every time a new chapter comes just klick on the the library and I thank you with all pleasure and want to read more story's just follow me to be updated and vote for the chapter to give love to my work and maybe a comment with what I have to do write or tell me about what I have to to right I will be super happy with the comment.
Love u

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