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Stiles walks down the hallway to Derek's class room, Stiles had come after school to Derek's class for a couple of day's. "Mr.Hale I need help with the English test for tomorrow,I want to ask you if you could help". Stiles was wearing a little skirt with a blue shirt what wasn't that long,the skirt was a little to short. "Of course, what don't you get Stiles" Derek walk up to Stiles's desk and look at the information he already got. Derek works with Stiles on it and at one point Stiles  stand up to pick up his other book's. Stiles bend over to pick up his history book,his skirt was to short to hide his boner he got while English class what was his last class and where he was looking at Mr.hale's dick and not taking notes. But Stiles was good at English and want the help so he would see Mr.Hale more than he already does. When he bend back over,he saw a little smirk on Mr.Hale's face and begin to blush and sit back down. Derek slowly move his hand on stiles leg softly and worked his way up to his cock. After stiles  saw what was happening he just blushed and hide shyly. "No hiding from me Baby" Derem whisperd sexy in his ear and bite his earlobe softly what made Stiles moan. Derek had toke off his skirt and his shirt,he was looking at his nipple  what he than slowly sucked . He left kisses on his neck slowly working his way to his  left nipw  and his hand was already on his cock  playing with his dick. he was only wearing his panties still and the rest was off because of Derek . he was a moaning mess,he was trying to stop him self from moaning but ever time he try's he got spanked by Derek but after a while he gave up and let Derek  touch his  in all the places he wanted to touch,what was everywhere. He liked how shy he was being. Stiles moaned softly but toke off his shirt and admire his chest while being touch and moaning. Stiles start to touch himself while Derek was fingering him with pleasure. "D-daddy I need you inside me please" Stiles  begged for Derek to put his member inside him and special calling him 'daddy' that was a full on trigger/turn on . Kira slowly pulled out his fingers what where wet and put them inside of Stiles's mouth,while he licked them off he had put himself slowly inside him. Hearing him moan in pain what turned in slowly pleasurefull moans. Stiles  hold tighter on his  desk. Stiles felt more moving inside him and moan louder feeling Derek  inside him  made him feel so great that he could do this many more times. After a while of moving moaning and kissing they both had cumed much in pleasure. Stiles  slowly stand up to lick off the cum from his chest and did it really sexy while Derek  slapped his  ass with pleasure. They both had got dressed and after that they where making out on Derek's desk chair.


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