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derek p.o.v

today im going to tell my pack that stiles in my mate is ."hello pack why were here is i want to tell you who your luna and my mate is" i said . "who is the lucky girl/boy" scott said ."some of you wont like it but its stiles"i said ."what" everyone said ."yes stiles is my mate from the day dat we met "

stiles p.o.v
"danny what are you doing here?"i said. "im here for jackson of course "he said.i walk to the door with danny i knock on the door and who open the for us derek fucking hale my crush and my lost soul ."hey derek what are you doing here?"i ask shit im knock on his door of couse he is here . "no its what are you doing here knock on MY door stiles"he said."im here to pick up scott and danny to pick up jackson so can we" i said waking past him . "SCOTT WERE ARE YOU "i said."I'M IN MY MATE ISAACS ROOM " he said . and yes scott got his lover and his mate and isaac two.
why not me i want a lover no i want derek hale the hot,sexy big bad wolf and my sourwolf to kiss me soo hard. "oo hey guys sorry but i want to talk to scott "i said today its going to be the i tell him i love derek i hope he is not going to be mad. "yes stiles what do you want to talk about "he said.shit im real going tell him . "i have a eye on somone "i said . "Really who is the lucky girl" he said . "Its not a girl its a boy"i said ."Okay who is it pls tell me plz "he said . "It derek he is the one im in love with"i said."O really "he said

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