baby Stiles

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WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!?!" Derek was yelling at Jake. I don't know okay ? I will go out and look for something " Jake said getting her stuff together and start to read the books she had from when she was little because the woman she lived with was a witch.
Dwerek" Baby stiles says making grading hands. Derek picked stiles up carrying him around to the kitchen and feed him normal food when Jake told Derek to get baby food so he goes get that with stiles and feed him that. Derek was reading while Stiles was taking his nap, he softly kissed Stiles head and goes back to reading. 'Dwerek kwiss" Stiles says softly and Derek kisses his cheek what made Stiles pout. Jake was working super hard trying to find out, Jake didn't sleep for 3 days. Stiles got super happy when Derek would carry him around or when he would feed him, Stiles was asleep when Derek kisses his lips softly and then sleeps. Next morning they woke up, Stiles was back to normal and was laying on Derek. Derek was shocked " STILES IS BACK" he hugged Stiles tightly and Jake run "MOMMY IS BACK" hugs Stole tightly "you know that I was here always" Stiles laughed and hugs them both. "DADDY GOSH YOUR WAND" laughd and runs away. Stiles looked down and see Derek's cock out and Stiles smirks so he slowly undress himself and Derek. 'Daddy is horny" kisses him roughly

Sorry guys this is the only i got maybe later in tired sick and have writers  block for sterek
I'm reading sterek fanfics to think sorry guys please forgive me and my stupid writers block

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