the end.

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3 years later. 

stiles and derek were so happy with each other, they got their long lost baby back and she grew up to be a beautiful woman with a overprotected boyfriend and no more attacks for ages,they were happy nobody was trying to kill them or anything. no more panics attacks for stiles . their lives were perfect to be true and guess what

it was all a lie. stiles was in a coma and finally woke up after 3 years. derek was by his bed holding his hand. he looked around 'were is Jake and  Kira !??!?!??!?!?!' he got worried and derek hugs stiles and explain him everything. stiles started to cry alot because to him everything felt so real and he didnt believe it was true at all. he loved and cared about Jake so much. he didnt have isaac or Jake. he didnt have anyone to take care of or even love as an child. he was so depressed. days go by sad and hurt. derek tried to help stiles and cheer him up but failed every time sadly. stiles always mistaked  people for Jake. stiles was helpless. he missed his only daughter. everything was just a dream, she wasnt even real and stiles needed to understand that. they both lived their live together. 



sorry i know this is a shitty ending but its done. this fanfic is offically ended. im sorry but i hae stopped watching teen wolf because derek is gone and stiles isnt much in it. im only going to watch season 6 for sterek moments.goodbye hopefully i will write in the future again. 


instagram;  yuriokitten_cosplay 

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