he is soo cute

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Derek p.o.v
"Jake be nice to my pack or do you want that aaron is going to find out that you are smoking"i said." dad know that im smoking so ha and i was nice before they start with you the child of peter they are not being nice really my pack can come here in one min and kick your little ass and you have to shut up because you are no fun really grumpy wolfy got it i can get older than you"jake said. "Okay im done with you part of being nice Jake " i said . "Okay im going to stop if you marry little red riding hood got it big bad wolf than the story is done people are not going to be dead and you are going to have a happy life and home because he looks like the cook and mom type" he said. Stiles is blushing and danny and ethan are making out same for isaac and scott and now is stiles hiding in my shirt he is soo cute when he is blushing or hiding in my shirt soo cute.

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