two couples

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"Jake please please you know i love you" Alex said for the past 10 mins but Jake wasn't going to listen of couse they where too mad to answer (they=Jake). "Brat shut up before i hit you really" Jake said and hide there smile. Alex hugged Jakes back and kisses the side of there neck. "I forgive you if you kiss me". "With pleasure baby" he kisses them softly and pull them closer to him (him= Alex). "I need to find my binder first so we can leave" they said and put on there binder clamly. Hold his hand and walk out the room with pleasure and a smile "I love you too brat" they said and walk the whole way home. "I love you more baby" he said with pleasure and happiness. After a while Jakes heat begin not the best a vampire can hope for because it was one month with all sex and more sex of couse Jake didnt mind they had time with there lover Alex but than of couse Alexs father had to come and say "Saffa Jackson Alexander Jones" that was there whole name what they didnt like so they started to snuggle in Alex's neck to calm thereself down that worked but than this happend "I dont like that your hanging around my son got it Jake" Jace said but than "Father they are my mate please" Alex said. "O-okay they can but i need to know everything" Jace said and left the couple alone. Jake was biting Alex neck and hear evey pleasurefull moan they could get and stop biting after they saw hickeys on his neck. "Beautiful mark baby" smirked and start walking again. "Im all yours now" laughs cutely.

That was the day for Jake&Alex now up to Sterek

"Derek please i want the books soo bad" Stiles was bagging for the shawdowhurters books serie but Derek said the whole time "no". "Okay i get it for you if you shut up" Derek said. "OMG YES I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH DADDY" Stiles said and jumped up and down. "Love you too idiot now stop jumping please ?" Derek said. "Oh yes sorry " stop jumping." You are really going to buy it right ? " Stiles ask. "Yes Baby i will now give Daddy a little kiss" Stiles gave Derek a kiss what turn in to a make-out for 10 mins and than they stop because the door bell was going and who was there "well hello Jake and Alex nice to see you here again" Derek and Stiles said nicely. "Stop faking but for real i want my perants back so help me please ? "Jake said with a said voice. "We will but i dont know it there missing or dead" Derek said looking in to Jakes eyes. Alex pull Jake to him "MINE" and he bite Jakes mark "yes yes im all yours" Jake said in a little happy voice. "We need to go home" Jake and Alex leaved and hold each others hand home. "Lets go sleep baby because you have a test tomorrow" Derek carried Stiles to the bedroom and lay him down and lay next to him and spoon him.
Hello I'm Jake thanks for reading and want to know more information just Pm and I answer your question and want to be updated every time a new chapter comes just klick on the the library and I thank you with all pleasure and want to read more story's just follow me to be updated and vote for the chapter to give love to my work and maybe a comment with what I have to do write or tell me about what I have to to right I will be super happy with the comment

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