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You see your boyfriend, Ed, standing at the window in a white suit looking down with a sullen face and guilt hits you. Maybe you went too overboard at the wedding party you two just came from. Ed was talking to this girl who was really beautiful; but she was just his friend whom he met after a very long time. However, the jealousy pricked your heart and it was purely evil of you to flirt with the other guy just to make Ed jealous, too. And now he looks like he has taken it gravely.

You approach him hesitantly because he looked so angry and frustrated,” Ed…”

He didn’t reply and a piece of your heat feels like it died.

“Ed, I’m sorry…” your voice is feeeble.

He doesn’t even look at you. Your heart heaved in your stomach and you feel really close to tears as your eyes started to get watery.

“Ed!”  You nearly shout because a new kind of tension hovers over you now, which is somehow related to losing him.

“Hmmm,” he says quietly, still looking down.

 “I’m sorry… I... I... I didn’t mean to hurt you or anything. It’s just I… I couldn’t keep calm…” You get lost in the middle of your sentence as the words choke in your throat and you feel weak.

“Yeah,” says he, mindlessly, without any expression on his face.

You wish so bad that you could go back in time and mend your mistake. You wish you wouldn’t have flirted with that douche.

You don’t realize when the tears start running down your face as you let out a little sob and your cheeks got wet. You miss your Teddy so much. You’ve never seen him act like this but it’s your own fault. You let him down and now he’ll be gone. The only thought sends shivers in your body.

“Hey?” He asks in a deep concerned voice, looking into your eyes and lowering his head. Maybe all’s not gone yet and he’s still yours.

“Did you see it?” he asks with a frown on his face.

“What?” Your voice is trembling as you look around, confuse

He starts searching for something in his pocket, under the sheets and behind the curtains, murmuring something like, “must be here...” After sometimes it makes you feel more miserable and annoys you too.

“Ed, what is it?!” you ask.

He looks at you, smirks and says, “Your smile.”


“Your smile, Y/N,” he says. “I think I know where it is,” he says, playfully as his eyes twinkle and his hands cup your face and caresses your cheeks, wiping off your tears and stroking your hair. But you still whimper as his touch warms you up.

He points his fingers to his own lips and whispered softly, “Here!”  

“Want it back?” He asks, raising his one eyebrow and before you could say anything you felt his soft and sweet lips brushing yours, gently and smoothly. And he was right. You couldn’t help but smile and you feel him smiling, too.

 - Lisa :))

 *****A/N Look out for the next one after three or four days. Feedback? :)*****

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