You Need Me

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You need me

You sat with a pen and paper on the bed to compose a small poem for your best friend whose birthday was near. But as usual nothing, not a single wisp of idea was coming to you. You were biting the end of the pen, drowned deep in your thoughts. The greeting card was lying open infront of you and as your eyes fell on the blank page, you felt irritated. Ed wearing his glasses was also sitting on the other side of the bed, busy with his phone. He realizes that you were looking at him, so he glances up at you.

Seeing your face wearing anxiety, he asks “Do you need any help, love?”

“No,” you replied him, closed your eyes and perked your nose up in the air, “I can do it myself.”

He sniggered, shrugging his shoulder and said, “Okay.”

After all, you could do it yourself. Who the hell he thought he was by smiling to himself like that! He’s probably thinking that you can’t do it. Well then show him then.

How to start? With her name? Something that must rhyme.

You bite your lips looking outside the window. You realized that, you got swayed by all the concern of the world except the poetry.

Anger! That’s flooding in you, rising up and up. Not a single line came to your mind. What’s up? You were meant to write only two lines? You checked the time and about half hour have passed.

“Ugh!” You spat with annoyance, pulling your face with your fingers.

“Love,” Ed addressed you in the most musical and sweetest voice ever, “I still don’t mind.” He offered, raising his brows together.

But you knew from the look behind the hidden grin, that he’s teasing you. Why did he have to be such a tease? Both the facts, that you couldn’t compose a simple poem in a half hour and that he’s teasing you for it were making your blood boil in rage.

But at the same time, somehow, he’s irresistible. He knew how much mad you were feeling right now, but he amused himself as if he also knew how very badly you wanted him at the time.  You pouted with furrowed eyebrows, kicked the pillow on which the card and the pen were lying in his direction. He chuckled mockingly. You folded your arms and looked away.

You sneaked a glance at him, secretly, after hearing him scribbling something on the card. Your insides were relived as all of the sudden you become aware that you had him, right in front of you. Lost in his work, looking very innocent, no moment had seemed more alright to you.

“Done,” he winked, handing the card to you. The tease was back. You took the card and bent your eyes on it.

“You’re welcome,” he curtsied.

”I haven’t read it yet,” you said, arrogantly, looking at him.

“Then what are you looking at me for? I’m perfect, I know it. Now read it,” he said, casually.

“Ed, ugh!” you exclaimed.

He chuckles at your exasperated look as you continue to read the message:

“Today when I see the sunrise,

I’ll pray the twinkling stays in your bright eyes.

Eat some chocolates, eat some sweets;

With love, “Happy birthday,” my heart greets.”

It was not a big deal, was it? He hadn’t done something really amazing. But why couldn’t you have done it?  Your inner pride was hurt, but it was now your turn to tease.

“It’s okay, anyone could have done it. Pffft,” you said, shaking your head, “No big deal innit.”

“Anyone but you? And if it was so easy then what took you an hour?” he said.

“Half hour,” you corrected him.

“Yes, half hour!” he clutched the pillow, ready to argue.

“I just- I-“you didn’t find any words.

“You just?” he raised his head and brows, which further made you feel as nothing, and annoyed you more and more. You swore in your head at him. Son of a bitch wants to be thanked. Nah. Nah. Nah.

“I was just-“you wanted to say, you couldn’t because he was there, sitting in front of you and just existing, which was enough to tempt you.

“You just don’t have brain in your top floor?” his face showing anticipation of your reaction. He does love teasing you.

You hit him with the pillow, and clutching his shoulder, you screamed,” I hate you!”

He hit you back with a pillow and cried something that collided with your scream and so you didn’t hear what.

“Don’t!” you ordered him not to hit again as he readied himself in the position to slam with the pillow held up high in his hand.

He statues in the position and asked,” What? Don’t love you?”

So he had screamed, “I love you.”

“Do.” You smile, hoping it’ll romanticize everything.

“Okay!” he singed, cheering up like a child and started hitting you again.

“Ed is that how you love?” you laugh because the soft, fluffy smashes by the pillow mixed up with a fey happiness bursting inside you on every touch of Ed.

“How else do you want to be loved, babe?” he said musically, coming near you and leaning on top of you. His face was just inches apart from yours.

“Like this?” he asked in a quiet but amatory whisper near your neck, and his breath a tingly sensation on your neck. He kissed lightly and smoothly on your neck, spreading that warm feeling farther and farther.

“Ed,” you said, giggling.

“Hmmm,” he kept kissing you gently and softly.

“Stop it, “you moaned as your giggle was now fading. Your voice sounding and the kisses instead of satisfying you increased your hunger.

His gentle, light kisses were now becoming heavy, wet and passionate as if physically trying to express how much love he could shower upon you, and how much love he could take from you.

His lips moved upto your throat and you caress his hair as a soft moan escaped from your mouth. His wet lips touch yours and you ran your finger heartily in his hair as your tongue collides with his and explore the sweetness of each other’s mouth. You feel his palms and fingers moving up an up, slowly above, stroking your belly, removing your top, making you moan. You two sink in the inexpressible bliss, slowly.

-Lisa J

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