Autumn Leaves

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Autumn Leaves


After taking a soothing shower at the end of the day, I wrapped myself in the towel  feeling fresh and a little tired.

I pick up the night gown lying on the bed beside Ed who was watching me with a  smile on his face that I returned back. I brushed my hair in front of the mirror constant of Ed’s constant gaze upon me.

“What?” I asked, trying to hide my blush when our eyes met in the mirror.

His shy and smiling eyes went down and he just nodded, “Nothing.”

I got inside the warm green silk duvet and held his pudgy body tightly. That had to be the best feeling in the world, I thought to myself, closing my eyes, forgetting all my woes when his comforting scent filled my mind.

“I love you.” I whispered softly hiding myself in his neck like a child.

He stroked my hair telling me that he loved me more.

We were getting sleepy when there was a light knock on the door.

“Yes?” Ed squinted. He looked slightly amused because he knew who it could be.

“Daddy, can I come in?” A little girl’s wavering voice asked from the other side.

I sigh and sat up with Ed. “Yes, love.” He said.

A little, redheaded girl of about four stepped inside the room. She had beautiful big eyes and she was clutching a soft toy in her hand, which was a rabbit.

“I can't sleep,” she said, rubbing her eyes.

I stroked her soft hair, noticing that the usual cheerful expression of her cherubic little face was missing.

“What is it, darling?” Ed asked her, noticing the same.

“Daddy, Mr. Pinky claims that there is a goblin under my bed that won’t let him sleep.” She lifted the bunny up, indicating it.

“Did you check if it was there?” I asked abetting Ed who was playfully pretending to look extremely concerned about the toy.

“I’m scared,” Lyra said. “That it will kidnap Mr. Bunny.”

Ed slowly squeezed her fingers in assurance. He lowered his head and smiled, looking at her. “That won’t happen, love. Don’t worry. We’ll check tomorrow who’s bothering Mr. bunny, OK, Lyra?”

“And maybe we could make friends with him if he’s good enough?” She suggested, wide eyed.

“Yes, and if he’s not good to us we’ll knock him down like this.” Ed replied excitedly and started to tickle her belly. Lyra screamed sharply and started to giggle with mirth while sitting on his lap.

 “I’m sure if daddy would sing a song to him, he’ll be friends with us in no time.”  I smiled down at her.

“Yes, yes, daddy will do that!” She sang in a sweet but boisterous voice resembling so much of Ed’s sing song voice, jumping up and down on Ed’s lap.

“until then, you can sleep with us.” Ed said. Every time he said something it seemed as if he were singing one of his pleasantest songs that held you up in such an enchanted trance that you never wanted him to stop talking. He rested Lyra steadily on his lap again.

“ed!?”  I scolded him by my fierce glare.

“What?” He asked, dubiously, his sea blue eyes getting large with innocence of a child.

“you’re spoiling her!” I said, emphatically.

“No, I’m not. Or is it just an excuse for something else that you want to do tonight?” his mouth curved in a lopsided smile and his eyes reflected the tease inside him. I felt my face getting hot and flushed.

“Shut up!” I said, rolling my eyes and hiding my red cheeks.  He dragged me closer to him and between us Lyra was looking at us with mixture of confusion and admiration. I felt complete. Lyra chuckled and slipped between two of us, wrapping my hands around her and Ed’s back, curling like a small caterpillar between its cocoons.

“Daddy, do you think I’m beautiful?” she asked widening her blue eyes that she has got from Ed.

“I think, you are the most beautiful girl ever,” Ed said, cupping her round cheeks.

“But you said the same thing to mommy this morning,” she squealed. I couldn’t help but to blush and when I looked at Ed, he was smiling coyly at me.

“Your mommy is beautiful too, but in a different way, you know.”

“Then I want to be beautiful in mommy’s way.” She said quietly, looking at me with full admiration.

“But you’re beautiful, darling. Even much more than me by just being you,” I said, kissing her cheeks.

“You see Lyra, when you’ll grow up you’ll find a guy, like your mother found me and he’ll find you as beautiful as I find your mother in every single way.” he said, his every word filled with profound bond and passion like he was proclaiming his love for me again as he did for the first time ever. He was stealing glances at me. When I caught his eyes, I felt myself getting lost in his eyes.

“And he’ll love you more than anyone in this world.” I completed his sentence, whispering to him. I found myself leaning in him and our lips met, soft and gentle as ever.

Lyra giggled beneath us and we broke apart, smiling down at her.

“Daddy, sing me to sleep,” Lyra cuddled between us both as we both sheltered her up and kissed her forehead delicately. Ed started humming a low and peaceful lullaby and I closed my eyes drifting away happily when I felt Ed’s  goodnight kiss placed on my lips.


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